Hello! New here!

D Bar J Acres

In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 22, 2007
A few of you fellow HT'ers may recognize me, but this is my first visit to BYC. Great forum so far!

We live in Wisconsin, and I got my first poultry last year, muscovy ducks (which we now have in pied, black, lavendar, chocolate and ripple). Just love them! This winter I finally got DH to agree to an order of chicks.
I'd only ever seen chickens on my step grandparents farm the few years they had them and they were nasty and smelly birds always confined to a coop. I didn't like chickens. DH's parents had chickens a few years when he was younger and he hated theirs as well. But after reading all the chicken posts on HT when looking for duck info, I got hooked!

I sold a few of the chicks from my March 7 order, but currently have left 5 White Rock roos (gonna try those for butcher - don't have room to raise broilers seperate), 5 Buff Orp pullets, 5 Wyandottes (2 BLRW, 2 GLW, 1 SLW) and 5 Araucana's (EE's I guess). I love to watch them and spend time with them. DH likes them now too, they are such busy bodies! I was only to keep 6 for layers, but DH is gonna let me keep whatever I want from the group that's left.

We also raise nigerian dwarf and mini mancha dairy goats, mammoth donkeys and white german shepherds.

Thanks for letting me babble and hope to make some friends here! Jenny
Welcome to the group Jenny...sounds like you are well on your way to being a chickenholic!
They are sorta like "Lays potatochips" No one can have just one...and once you get started, its hard to stop!

I too have Muscovy ducks....first time for me. However, of the 6 I started with....only one has decided to stay here and nest. She is on I think 21 eggs!
The others come hgme to eat...about every day. My question is....how do I keep the babies home, without cageing them up? I wanted them to free roam...just not so far away!

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