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In the Brooder
Oct 16, 2022
Hi, my name is Samantha. I recently got 8 Sapphire Gems - (Plymouth Barred Rock x Plymouth Blue Rock cross...)
Turned out we had four hens and four roosters! So I rehomed the roosters, and we have four hens. They are laying now, one for the last 8 weeks and the other three have caught up in the last month... They're 25 weeks old now, and we are having a great time so far!!
I found the site because my chickens had only some "egg white" albumen in the nesting box - no shell no yolk and I looked it up and this came up and I found this site and now I know it's not something to worry about, yet .. yay!
Happy to meet you all!
Hi, my name is Samantha. I recently got 8 Sapphire Gems - (Plymouth Barred Rock x Plymouth Blue Rock cross...)
Turned out we had four hens and four roosters! So I rehomed the roosters, and we have four hens. They are laying now, one for the last 8 weeks and the other three have caught up in the last month... They're 25 weeks old now, and we are having a great time so far!!
I found the site because my chickens had only some "egg white" albumen in the nesting box - no shell no yolk and I looked it up and this came up and I found this site and now I know it's not something to worry about, yet .. yay!
Happy to meet you all!
Welcome to BYC!!

Nice to meet you, Samantha! I hope you enjoy your time here.

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