Jan 6, 2019
Binghamton NY
Hey folks!

I'm excited to join BYC; had chickens when I was young and in 4-H (Orps! and one beautiful little Sebring). Just bought a house with a chicken coop in the backyard and am excited to have chickens again--15 years later! Hoping to start a small (4-6) backyard flock this spring.

Would love to know if there are other people on here from the area or in the Southern Tier/Central NY more generally (Syracuse, Ithaca, etc). Torn on how to start, but was thinking I'd ask around and see if anyone nearby has any interesting hatching eggs for sale and then go the incubator route. Or maybe I'll just get Barred Rocks from the Agway in April ;)

Already learning and relearning tons on the forums; 4-H was a long time ago, it turns out!

Hi John and welcome to BYC :frow We're so happy you've decided to join us

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