Hello from North Florida


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013
We recently moved to a small acreage in N Florida and while I've been hoping to get a few chickens for some time, I didn't think we would actually have them until spring. Guess what, now we'll have them tomorrow! We'll have 6 total (2 each of EE, RIR and RI) that are about 3 weeks old.

Even though I've been learning all I could for several months now, all of a sudden I feel like the new mom bringing home a baby and not knowing what to do!

Any words of advice for a first time mom on what to expect/plan for/have ready for tomorrow's arrival of chicks?
HI and welcome to BYC! My advice is about the same as it is for human babies. Trust your instincts and relax. They are tougher than you might think. I guess what I've learned the most is that I have to adapt to each situation so I don't get bogged down in doing anything one certain way. I made mistakes and had to correct some things. All a part of it. Have fun!

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