Feb 20, 2021
Hello!! Im new, and here are the answers to the sample questions:

1. I first got chickens almost 2 years ago! I gotta say, Im kind of a newbie 😅
2. I have 20 chickens right now!!
3. I have six americaunas, five black australorps, three brahmas, one buff orpington, one Rhode island red, two barred rocks, and one copper black Maran/australorp mix rooster!!
4. I just love having happy feathered friends around, and living a good life without getting on someone's dinner plate!!
5. I love playing video games, playing around outside, sketching, and, of course, playing and exploring with chickens! Anyone else play the Nintendo switch?
6. I have a little brother and sister, and Im the oldest of my sibs! I have two adorable cats, a grey cat named Panpan, and a smoky black tabby named Aster.
7. I joined for my love of chickens and I came across this site when I was looking for a treatment for my hen with a swollen tear duct. I just learned about it!

Thanks so much!!
chicken GIF

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