
In the Brooder
Jun 22, 2019
I am wondering what birds you have had good luck with in extreme heat. I live in Texas small city flock so I only have room for heavy producers with one broody girl. I had an awesome Mille Fleur d’uccle. But I can only find straight run and I want to replace her by June 24 as she is sitting and six years old. Time for the soup pot
Where we live it gets very hot in the summer we've had good luck with brahmas and Rhode Island Reds i don't know if they've been known to be heat tolerant birds but we have had good luck with them
Most large comb breeds do okay with ample shade. I’ve had great luck with Legbars, leghorns, and speckled Sussex. I’ve also never had a problem with marans or orpingtons but they do get warm and spread their wings and pant occasionally.
Most large comb breeds do okay with ample shade. I’ve had great luck with Legbars, leghorns, and speckled Sussex. I’ve also never had a problem with marans or orpingtons but they do get warm and spread their wings and pant occasionally.
now i have a excuse to get some more birds LOL:lau
So far I’ve had good luck with Americana’s, Easter riggers, production reds but they are too bossy, salmon favoral are ok. I have some mixed breed black or phong tons and they are so mean I named them dinner soup etc. I’m not sure if pure bred are this nasty. They lay but at the cost of really upsetting the rest of the flock . Barred rock seems ok. I have one Rhodes island red but she’s kind of a bully as well. Mill Fleur de Uccle was a dream but more of a pet because not a great layer I used her as a brooder. Silver spangled Hamburg. And some really mixed breeds. I wanted a Cochin but I hear they do awful in the heat. Just spreading my wings a bit with this new group
I'm fairly new to the world of chookery but from my research it's all about the Mediterranean breeds, bred in areas of Spain and Italy (for the most part). The most famous of these breeds is the leghorn, known for producing close to a gazillion eggs a year (okay 300) and the classic white feather red comb look. They come in all sortsbof colors besides white if you look around. Another one of Ive read does well in heat is the Easter egger, basically a mix of breeds that has a nice amount of "hybrid vigor" that makes it well suited for just about anywhere. Sikies do well too, coming from SE Asian stock. Hope this helps!
My Dixie Rainbows are cold weather tolerant. I'm in Florida.
I provide them with multiple wading areas and a big fine-mist sprinkler.


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