Heart of a Dragon


Premium Feather Member
Sep 29, 2023
In the world of Attravis, there are no dragons. There are pegasi and dragonmice, and griffins and phoenixes and hellhounds and sirens, and probably any fantasy creature you can think of. Dragons are gone, and their spirits now inhabit rare beings known as Dragonhearts.

Dragonhearts are stronger, taller, faster, and more agile than normal humans, with fireproof skin and the ability to speak any language. They often possess the ability to survive in any environment, although not all the time. And they can turn into dragons.

Okay fine, I will elaborate.

Every Dragonheart strives toward transformation. Their greatest wish is to become their spirit, for a dragon's soul is not meant to live inside a human. Once transformed, your dragon body will carry over to your human side. Perhaps, if you become a blue dragon, your hair will streak with blue, your eyes will be blue, and you will have an affinity for the ocean. A green Dragonheart may have a slight connection with nature, or a black Dragonheart may lean towards the shadows more than average.

The types of Dragonhearts are below:

Red (Fire, Magma, Volcanic): Red Dragonhearts are bold and boisterous, with a strong connection to fire and flames. They are usually shades of crimson and orange, and in human form red hair is common.
Silver (Sky, Air, Wind): Silver Dragonhearts are agile and witty, and lean towards sky-related activities. They tend to be shades of metallic gray, and are usually the first Dragonhearts to transform because of their strong connection to the sky, which helps them find their wings faster.
Yellow (Lightning, Thunder, Electricity): Yellow Dragonhearts are quick-witted and obsessive, and often do dangerous things because of their affinity for the wild electricity. They are shades of yellow and gold. (Note: There are no gold Dragonhearts)
Blue (Water, Mist, Sea): Blue Dragonhearts are smooth and guiley, knowing that they can get out of any situation. Their forms are teal, cerulean, and other blue shades, and they are usually the last to transform.
Black (Shadow, Darkness, Night): Black Dragonhearts are shy and volatile, and have the ability to completely control minds depending on the amount of darkness inside. They are any color in dark shades, and they can often go insane due to their dubious abilities.
Green (Nature, Leaf, Grass): Green Dragonhearts are natural-minded and simple at heart, happiest when they are close to their beloved plants. They can be any color from chartreuse to phthalo green, and can control their precious plants.
Purple (Earth, Ground, Crystal): Purple Dragonhearts are strong and rooted in tradition, and rely heavily on their powers to get things done. They are mauve and violet hues, and tend to be aggressive.
White (Ice, Frost, Cold): White Dragonhearts are cool and calm, and the smallest of the Dragonhearts. They are white, always white, and enjoy the cold. They are very powerful, able to manipulate cold and frost.
Copper (Chaos, Trickery, Manipulation): Copper Dragonhearts are violent and wild, and extremely uncontrollable. These Dragonhearts are volatile, and often turn evil very fast. They are confusing and strange, and the most wicked-hearted of all Dragonhearts.

Age (Dragonhearts age the same as a human, but live longer):
Appearance (human):
Appearance (Dragonheart):

Have fun! I hope you like this RP, I worked hard on it!

This is a picture of the mountain where all Dragonhearts are raised. Some Dragonhearts may try to forge their own way in the world and will leave the mountain. You can make your character stay or leave, no worries!

This mountain is protected by enchantments and spells to ensure that no intruders may enter btw
Age (Dragonhearts age the same as a human, but live longer):
Appearance (human):
Appearance (Dragonheart):
Name: Astra
Type: Red
Gender: Female
Age (Dragonhearts age the same as a human, but live longer): 15
Appearance (human): Tall, lean, and athletic. Red hair down to her shoulder blades. Blue eyes.
Appearance (Dragonheart): Shades of red and orange, and lighning-bolt-like slashes of yellow on her wings and tail.
Personality: Friendly to those she knows, but gives a standoffish first impression. Doesn't trust easily, but will open up to someone she does trust. Very daring when it comes to doing dangerous things, almost fearless.
Backstory: Her parents realized she was a Dragonheart when she was 11 - her hair turned a very aggressive red. They tried to hide the fact from her, and succeeded until a few months ago, when she had a dream of a male Yellow Dragonheart (your char possibly, Eri? Goes to the mountain school and they become friends?) who revealed the fact and explained everything to her.
Powers: Can control and create fire. Also called up a thunderstorm once when she was really angry.
Extras: Are hybrids allowed? If so can she be a Red/Yellow hybrid?
Name: Astra
Type: Red
Gender: Female
Age (Dragonhearts age the same as a human, but live longer): 15
Appearance (human): Tall, lean, and athletic. Red hair down to her shoulder blades. Blue eyes.
Appearance (Dragonheart): Shades of red and orange, and lighning-bolt-like slashes of yellow on her wings and tail.
Personality: Friendly to those she knows, but gives a standoffish first impression. Doesn't trust easily, but will open up to someone she does trust. Very daring when it comes to doing dangerous things, almost fearless.
Backstory: Her parents realized she was a Dragonheart when she was 11 - her hair turned a very aggressive red. They tried to hide the fact from her, and succeeded until a few months ago, when she had a dream of a male Yellow Dragonheart (your char possibly, Eri? Goes to the mountain school and they become friends?) who revealed the fact and explained everything to her.
Powers: Can control and create fire. Also called up a thunderstorm once when she was really angry.
Extras: Are hybrids allowed? If so can she be a Red/Yellow hybrid?
Absolutely accepted 10000%! Great backstory! Yes, hybrids are allowed, but shouldn't be too overpowered. Great idea

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