head injury

Nov 25, 2021
my Guiana hen, is 3 years old and is the biggest bird of the flock.
this morning she was lethargic and is not eating or drinking. the base of her helmet had blood on it. I separated her in a dog crate and put a bottle of ice next to her to keep her cool. I was able to give her some water with electrolytes in a syringe but now she is more aware and wont let me. I think she might of got her head stuk in the fence. thank you!
You can clean the wound with a little saline, then apply triple antibiotic ointment.

Sounds like she was in a bit of shock is now coming around. Do provide her with the electrolytes and see if she'll drink on her own. Offer her normal feed.

When you can, look her over for any other injuries.

She can stand and move around now?

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