have I got a story!

rural mouse

Jun 3, 2021
Backstory: gifted 3 hens and a slw roo to start own free range flock on newly purchased property with coop. Lost 2 hens over course of winter/ spring. Had to separate remaining hen from roo as he pestered to the point of not being able to eat or drink. hen in garage and allowed out in morning, roo in coop allowed out in afternoon. ordered chicks from mcmurray (coworker recommend). Ship date: 1st week of Aug. set up space in garage with hen for chicks. Chicks arrived: NOT the 6 light brahma hens (yes to subs) but 7 partridge rocks, 4 australorp hens and 6 straight run giants plus yellow mystery (and so dubbed). Can't tell australorp from giant, but 2 smallest black birds look slightly different. 1 all black (

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