Have-A-Heart! Going down-hill day by day...

Please if anyone has ANY ideas of how I could help my hen please speak up!

A weasel got in and shooed away 2 birds, guinea, etc. and attacked my BR hen "mimosa".
He bit her ear lobe, but not too bad. He also did something to her eyes. I found the birds 15 minutes after it happened. Her left eye was closed a lot, but she would open it every now and then. There's was nothing in it at all! It's now completely sealed shut with yellow goop ( puss?), and white liquid ( puss? ). I opened it up and I can see her eye, looks fine, but there's something to the left of her eye that looks like a peice of raw onion! Can't get it... She won't let me :/ ! She's ALWAYS asleep now and she is currently sitting in my bed with me. She WILL NOT eat or drink. She almost had an interest, but denied. I held her down and squirted some apple cider vinegar, water and electrolytes down her throat. Can't do this a lot though.. She gets stressed. Her crop is completely empty, I can feel her spine, but I'm trying my best to plump her up with some chick feed!

Anything helps! :)

Poultry Couture Farms
Try wrapping her in a warm towel to see if she will calm down so that you can get a better look at her eyes, she will be very stressed by what happened to her so food may not be interesting to her at the moment - you are at least hydrating her which is great.... I have had a few that declined food after being attacked.

I have no knowledge about what to use for an eye wound, you could try a general antibiotic powder in water with a syringe to get into her.

I do so hope that somebody with constructive help responds very soon!

Sounds like she's in shock. I've seen that happen with chickens that have been attacked but survive. Good idea to keep her hydrated. Wrapping her in a towel is a good idea. I had a bird that had his eyes pecked by flockmates. The eyes sealed shut with yellow crusty stuff. Once a day I gently washed the eyes with warm water. It took almost two weeks for the yellow crusties to stop forming. One eye is good, the other had skin form over it so he's got one eye to see out of. He was in shock for about 4 days and I had to force feed and water. Today he's got one buddy and has been singing to the girls (he's a finch) and doing great. Hopefully your hen will also come through this ordeal.
Thank y'all! I finally force-fed her some chick feed, apple cider vinegar, electrolytes and water mixed together. She got a half a syringe down. I'm going to do half a syringe every two hours and in between cuddle and put a warm rag over her eye. She needs some TLC I can tell :/ poor thing is just so " Bleh!"! She's wrapped up in a blanket now in my lap, it's nice and secure! Ever since ive wrapped her in the blanket she clucked a few times! So glad to hear my girl again! I think she'll make it :) I sure hope so... :)

Thanks again! I'll keep y'all updated!

Poultry Couture Farms
So good to hear she is showing signs of improving.... praying for you and her that she keeps getting better every moment!

Ouch! That avatar.... I have suffered a kick from one of my horses ( it was intended for a donkey.... Smart moved out of the way and I got the impact! )

Ok, wrapped her up super tight in a blanket and opened her eye. The " onion " looking thing I saw came out! It's just like a squishy peice of something!? Lol maybe scar tissue, but there's still something in the way! Her blinking muscles are still SUPER swelled. I'm going to get a warm rag and hold it over. Hopefully will reduce swelling!

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