Hatching Serama eggs with broody hen


May 26, 2023
I have an extremely broody buff orpington who I gave 10 fertile serama eggs to. she’s been sitting on them for around 12 days now, and I candled all 10 yesterday and every single one has growth and lots of movement!

I’ve heard Serama’s are notorious for having low hatching rates, and that seemed to be true for everyone i’ve seen incubate them in an incubator! I was curious if anyone has hatched them with a broody, and how successful it was? Also, if it takes a full 21 days to hatch or less since they are smaller?

I bought 14 serama eggs on March 18 and gave 7 of them to my broody mottled Cochin. Since it was muddy and cold half of them died halfway so I put the 3 eggs with my 7 eggs in the incubator. 8 hatched, I think one was from the hen. That one hatched 3 days after the first one, on April 8. The first hatched on April 5th which was day 18. April 8 was day 21. Good luck on your eggs!

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