Hatching eggs with a broody hen: Questions.

Do you think she will stay broody and hatch the eggs?

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Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
I'm a first timer in this section of chicken raising. One of my hens decided to go broody and has been for about two weeks. I'm going to put 2-4 eggs under her to hatch later today. (Around 4 or 5 Pm.) Will she turn the eggs herself and do everything? I hope I'll just have to wait for day twenty one for them to hatch. Is there anything really important I need to do?

Thanks much,

- Clucky

Will she stay broody long enough to hatch them?
Has she been sitting on any eggs in the last two weeks? It is worth a try, but you should have a back up plan in case she gets off the eggs, ie: an incubator. She will turn the eggs. If she sits on them for the 21 days, she will take care of everything. At least that is my experience. There are some threads about a mama abandoning the last couple of eggs, in which case you will again need an incubator. Good luck with the broody and her hatch!
Thank you both. I'm really hoping for a successful hatch! :fl Wish me luck!
Also, do I need to candle, etc?
she will come off the nest probably just once a day to eat, drink, poop, and dustbathe. You could help by providing these things close by, to minimize hassle for her, but don't panic if she's off for some hours at a time in the first week; the eggs can even go completely cold and still be fine. She will take care of everything if you take care of her. Good luck, and enjoy!
she will come off the nest probably just once a day to eat, drink, poop, and dustbathe. You could help by providing these things close by, to minimize hassle for her, but don't panic if she's off for some hours at a time in the first week; the eggs can even go completely cold and still be fine. She will take care of everything if you take care of her. Good luck, and enjoy!

Thanks! :ya

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