Hatching day cat incident

Crazy Birds

Mar 22, 2022
Tonight marks the start of hatching day for my ducklings. This morning when I left for work there were two pipped eggs and when I came back one had a little hole in it.

Well, when I was making some lunch when I heard a racket coming from the room where I keep my incubator and found one of the cats had knocked over the lid and was messing with the egg that had the hole. He made quite a bit of damage, but the duckling appears to be unharmed? Just a huge hole in the egg, a tiny bit of blood on the shell and a major drop in humidity. It's been several hours of me desperately wanting to intervene and help the little guy, but I've held off. It is still alive after all of this, is there anything I can do for it? This is my first hatch and I am so upset the hatch had to start off like this :oops:
I’m so sorry!!

All I can think is read all the articles on assisted hatching on this forum,so you will be prepared to assist if needed. That helped me a lot. and then watch the duckling to see if it’s making progress.
Sorry, completely missed this last night. I ended up leaving it alone last night so it could absorb the yoke and decided if it survived I would help it out. Little trooper got it's head and leg out and survived! The hardened shell popped right off and there was no yoke left. :wee

Like I said, this is my first hatch and now I'm feeling super underprepared. Any tips for the rest?
Actually, upon waking up more and inspecting the egg, there seems to be a bit of dried yoke. Had a second one pop out a bit ago and the difference between the two is amazing. The younger one is able to lift it's head and lay with it's feet tucked under. The other one is all spread out on it's side moving around and trying to lift it's head but with no luck.

Does it sound like anything I can help with? More than happy to try to get photos but my camera sucks lol
Definitely don't think we're out of the woodworks yet with this little guy but it is finally able to hold its head up, lay down with it's feet tucked under and walk around as much as it can in the incubator! :fl

Second picture is how I found it this morning before removing the egg shell.


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