Has anyone seen a drop in feed prices?


11 Years
May 27, 2010
Northeast Nebraska
With corn prices now about where they were in the Spring, has anyone seen a drop in feed prices? During the huge increases we saw this summer, corn was almost $8 a bushel in Nebraska. The TSC price on most Dumor feeds has gone up between $ and $5 a 50lb. bag since May. Do you expect commercial feeds like Purina and Dumor to drop? The layer feed I buy at our local mill has dropped back to about where they were in the Spring, but they base their prices on what the closing corn price was the night before they grind. They only have mash available for layer feed and all of their broiler feed (starter and finisher) is medicated, so I have been buying mostly commercial feed.
It's kinda a like taxes once they're in place. If you're older than 25 you know the answer to that. Prices will never come down till the product stops being used. Plus with government forcing corn to be used in gasoline, I don't think you'll see it.
It depends a lot on where you get your feed, if your getting your feed at a retail chain like TSC then once the price is up it is up in most cases but if your getting feed at a good mill then the price will fluctuate. I've been getting my feed at the same local mill for 8 years now and seen the price of feed go up and down every season.

Another thing that makes the price of Corn go up this time of the year is Multi-Fuel Stove that used either Corn or Wood Pellet for heating rooms/homes.

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Remember when gas went up to a dollar a gallon, and we were assured it was a temporary spike?

Oh my. Yes I remember those good ole days. Milk was about a dollar then too. My how the times have changed.


Feed is up in price around here as well.

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