Has anyone ever CANNED eggs?... UPDATE! I opened a jar!!!

this is more of a question,,, when I gather the eggs in the morn,, they are cold ,, so I was wondering if I need to put them in the fridge or can they still just be left out on the counter
I took a course in canning this past summer and asked the lady teaching it about canning eggs. She said that the only recipe she knew of was one where the eggs need to be refridgerated and will only last 1 month in the fridge unopened, and 2 weeks once opened. I asked her about the pickled eggs one sees in stores and she thought that maybe the manufacturers had a different method of processing.

I would love to be able to can eggs and be able to have some stored away and to give as gifts, etc. Celticfarmer- could you share your recipe/technique? Thanks!
These are pickled and then water bathed, they stay on the shelf in the basement for months or til eaten.

So long as they haven't frozen you don't have to refrigerate them if you don't want to. If they have frozen you need to keep them that way until you are ready to use them.
Darkmatter....what are those black things in with the pickled eggs..? Do you cook eggs first and remove shell or can shell and all...? I've read on another survival site, that raw eggs coated in mineral oil and stored pointed end down will keep for a year, don't know how true this is...
Darkmatter and celticfarmer could we have your recipes? Darkmatter your eggs look great! I want to use beet juice in some of mine. Please post recipes!!!
Peppercorns, I also have garlic and hot peppers in the pickling spices.

I hardboil my eggs first using the method of poking a hole in the large end of the shell first, then lowering the eggs in already boiling water------makes them peel easy. I can pack about a dozen hardboiled/peeled eggs in a quart jar, pour the boiling pickling liquid over them (garlic/hot peppers/peppercorns already packed with the eggs), then water bath for 30 minutes.
Yes, thanks. But I'm surprised you don't even use vinegar. Ok. So now I have something else I want to do this weekend!

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