Hardboiled Eggs for 6 Week-Old Chicks O.K.?


12 Years
Apr 24, 2007
Virginia~Blue Ridge Mountains
If so, how often?

Thanks for your time!

i can tell you this, i feed boiled eggs to my hatchlings as soon as i take them out of the bator and continue that until day 2. it gives them a nice start. i dont see why it would hurt 6 wk olds
When mine were little, I gave them a boiled egg (no shell) in the evening at bedtime. I didn't do it every day, it depended on my egg inventory, but I don't think it would hurt them.

Thanks for your reply.

A *really* disgusting thing happened the other day.

A baby bird was killed by a crow. The nest was in a pine tree over the chick's run.

The baby fell out of the nest into the run, (eyes not open, as yet). Before I could get to it, the 6 week-olds were all fighting over it & running around with it in their mouths.

They devoured it!!! :mad:

P.S. I guess hard-boiled egg wouldn't be so bad. I have a really strong stomach but that was too much for me. I'm feeling ill, just typing this.

EEWWW! That is gross. Have you read 4HMom's description of her chickens killing and eating a mouse?
They love hard boiled eggs though. I used to feed them from my hand, but then they started trying to take my fingers with the egg, so now they only get them in a dish. They know when that purple dish appears though!

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