Happy to be here!!


Feb 25, 2024
I'd like to start off by thanking everyone who has come before me, posting questions and sharing wisdom. I have learned so much from you and my chicks have greatly benefitted!!

I'm a new chick mom to seven babies of various breeds:

Chiffon and Charmeuse - Silkies
Hester - Plymouth Barred Rock
Michelle - Buff Orpington
Teenie - Rhode Island Red
Tawny - Golden Laced Wyandotte
Gemma - Sapphire Gem (just found out she might actually be a Sapphire olive egger)

I've had these girls for about 2 weeks, some of which are a little older than that. I have loved watching them grow into their personalities!! Michelle is the oldest and was wary of me from the start. Now she loves to get in my business and roost on me (when she's not running around, generally causing chaos). She succeeded in a prison break not long ago, but I was in the room when it happened, thank goodness. 😂 So far we've been through some pasty butt and some crop troubles, but everyone seems to be doing well for now.

When I'm not checking in with the chicks, I'm usually working on some sort of project. This weekend I built a bigger brooder, and though I questioned my life choices several times throughout, it's a hit with the girls. haha.

Otherwise I've been updating my 105 year old home. (Some day I'll have a living room, a real kitchen floor and a dishwasher... if I just believe! 😅) I'm a web developer and mom of two kitties, who are very curious about our feathery additions. And now I'm a member ofthis community! I'm so grateful for all I've learned from you so far, and I hope to return the kindness if I can. Nice to meet you all!


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Congrats on surviving pasty butt and crop issues. Those are tough on keeper as well as chicks!

I really enjoyed your intro! And, as the owner of a 1915 farmhouse, let me just say, "Keep believing!" I've been working on mine for years.

You've made a very nice brooder -- with all the work you've put into it, I'm guessing there will be more chicks in your future. Nice hardwood floor beneath it, too. I also brood my chicks indoors -- and curse the dust and feathers that remain behind for months, no matter how much I clean :D.

Great breed choices. I always say I like the heritage breeds, but I do have a soft spot for the Sapphire girls. Lost my last Gem last year, but I have an Olive Egger (one of the exceptions who lays NOT olive eggs) and two Splashes. They are good layers and pleasant flock members.

Welcome to BYC, and best wishes with your chicks!
I'd like to start off by thanking everyone who has come before me, posting questions and sharing wisdom. I have learned so much from you and my chicks have greatly benefitted!!

I'm a new chick mom to seven babies of various breeds:

Chiffon and Charmeuse - Silkies
Hester - Plymouth Barred Rock
Michelle - Buff Orpington
Teenie - Rhode Island Red
Tawny - Golden Laced Wyandotte
Gemma - Sapphire Gem (just found out she might actually be a Sapphire olive egger)

I've had these girls for about 2 weeks, some of which are a little older than that. I have loved watching them grow into their personalities!! Michelle is the oldest and was wary of me from the start. Now she loves to get in my business and roost on me (when she's not running around, generally causing chaos). She succeeded in a prison break not long ago, but I was in the room when it happened, thank goodness. 😂 So far we've been through some pasty butt and some crop troubles, but everyone seems to be doing well for now.

When I'm not checking in with the chicks, I'm usually working on some sort of project. This weekend I built a bigger brooder, and though I questioned my life choices several times throughout, it's a hit with the girls. haha.

Otherwise I've been updating my 105 year old home. (Some day I'll have a living room, a real kitchen floor and a dishwasher... if I just believe! 😅) I'm a web developer and mom of two kitties, who are very curious about our feathery additions. And now I'm a member ofthis community! I'm so grateful for all I've learned from you so far, and I hope to return the kindness if I can. Nice to meet you all!
Welcome! Your chicks sound like they have a wonderful life ahead of them!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Nice introduction. Lovely variety of breeds you picked, ❤ will make for a colorful chicken yard for sure! Old farmhouses are fun, they are definitely a lot of work but they contain such history and interesting vibes!

Welcome to our community!

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