Happy (Suspected) Hatch-Day Willow!

Pastel the Rooster

Crossing the Road
Apr 22, 2022
Southern Georgia
Hey there! Today is my Golden Laced Barnevelder’s Hatch-Day. She laid her first egg on January 9th, 2023. Of course, hens can lay a little bit before six months, and as long after as they please. I’m going off of six months eggsactly.
I have no idea when her actual hatch day is, because she was a rescue.
A good friend of mine gave me her because she was getting bullied by her birds. Mind you, she was still a pullet, not even very pink in the face.
My good friend got her a few days before from someone who couldn’t take care of her and a few other birds. I gladly excepted her. Me not knowing that a Barnevelder was a thing, just assumed that she was a very dark Golden Laced Wyandotte.
I posted a thread her a few days before she started laying wondering when she was going to lay and got told that she is a Barnevelder , not a GLW.
She laid her first egg. It was a brown egg, not too dark nor too light, with darker speckles. As she started laying more regularly, her eggs got darker.
Barnevelders aren’t supposed to be the best layers, well, she lays almost every day.
I’ve also read that they aren’t supposed to go broody.. Well, I’m June she went broody and I let her hatch out eggs. No chicks made it. I told myself that she probably isn’t meant to be a mom.
Well, I came back from evacuating from Hurricane Idalia ( I evacuated only about half an hour away. There’s a lot of trees on my farm, so it was for safety) and she was broody. I came back last Friday. I playfully asked my dad to go get four chicks from TSC because he was going in town. I didn’t eggspect him to actually. He ended up coming home with two Barred Rock and two Easter Egger “pullets.” Let’s see how long “pullets” lasts. Hopefully forever 😍!
It’s been a week since she got her early hatch day present, and she loves her chicks. They have been running around the coop with the other three hens and my rooster. The hens ignore them and peck them when they get too close, but Pastel (my roo, if you don’t see my profile!) let’s them be near him a little.

Willow, I am so proud of you. You are going to be an amazing mother hen, and I can’t wait to see how your chicks grow. Happy 1st hatch day, from your human mommy. (AKA, Human Servant 😂)

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