Hanging Coop Bottoms for Poultry Show


Aug 26, 2020

I am a poultry superintendent for a 4-H fair. Currently, most of our barn are large hanging cages, 92 total attached, half on either side facing out, and half on top and half on bottom. Currently the bottom cages are just open to the floor, while the top cages have a piece of metal as a cage bottom on top of the wire bottom.

I am trying to find some material to replace this metal floor, as they are starting to rust and are sharp. Any suggestions would be appreciated! The only birds that will be using these are our Standard Exhibition birds, Laying Hens, and Pullets.

Some issues I have: I cannot easily add an extra section to have pull out drop pans, these floors need to be flexible or fold somehow, they have to be able to be removed to be clean, and the birds need to be able to stand on them without slipping too much (while there will be shavings on top of these floors, some 4-H members are better than others at keeping them covered.

Below I've attached two photos of the floors (I sadly don't have a photo of just it, only with birds.)

Picture 029.jpg
Torch down rubber roofing. Cut pieces to fit the cages. Roll them up to put in or take out. They lay flat, wash well, and will last forever. If you find the right roofer you may get part rolls cheap or scraps free.

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