Guinea Keets in Alabama


9 Years
Jun 4, 2010
My Coop
My Coop
I have several pearl guinea keets for sale, three weeks old. Local pick up only. We're located in southeast Alabama, not far from the Florida and Georgia state lines.
PM me if interested.
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My husband and I would like to get some guineas to run free on our land... How much are you asking and are they still available? Thank you!

Mrs. Heather May
So sorry it took a while to respond to you, our family reunion was today & it's been hectic around here. I just sold the last of those guineas today, but I have 2 left from a clutch that hatched on August 25th and they're $3 each. Also, I'm going to be putting guinea eggs in the incubator tonight - they're ones that we're adding to our flock for next year. If I end up hatching out more of those keets than we want to keep then some of them might be for sale.
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I am so sorry, not long after I posted someone called and came to pick them up. It's getting late in the season, so we're selling out pretty quickly with guineas right now. But if you want, I can let you know when the eggs I just put in the incubator hatch out (I just put them in on Saturday so they're due to hatch on October 8th). They're shipped eggs and I'm not sure how many will hatch out, but I've got 24 eggs in all and if there are any extra keets they'll be available. Also, I just thought about it, but the guinea hen that hatched out our last clutch of keets may have started back laying eggs. I haven't checked where she likes to make her nest yet, but I'll look tomorrow and see if there are any eggs in it and I'll let you know.
Just checked the place where she likes to lay her eggs, and there aren't any. She's our only guinea hen that might still be laying, but maybe she's picked a different place to lay eggs that I haven't found yet. But with it starting to get a little late in the season, I'm not sure. At least, I do have the eggs in the incubator. They're supposed to be from several different colors of guineas, so they should be really pretty. I'll candle them on Friday and let you know if they're developing.
great! I can't wait! Are they hard to incubate? are they like incubating chickens?
Pretty much the same as incubating chickens, they just take 28 days instead of 21. To me, they're a little easier than chickens, and definitely easier than peafowl lol. By the way, I completely forgot to welcome you to BYC :welcome
Thanks!!! I did chickens last year and am thinking about poss trying out guinea hen eggs... I think it would be fun! Where do you get your eggs from? are they expensive? TY for all your help!

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