guess i missed this part


6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
waverly ohio
just joined byc a few days ago. I've been raising chickens for 3 years now. have about 250 breeders and another 100 i'm raising for new breeds next year. we originally bought our first chickens for eggs, then played with hatching. now we keep 3 sportsman cabinet incubators busy. over the last year we have cut back some, and started selecting through our stock with more care, working towards the definitions in the standard of perfection.
this year im going to do the same, with the intentions of raising 40-50 and keeping the best trio (we do pullet and cockerel breeding.) we also intend to breed for some new colorations in our old English bantams.
we look forward to meeting people at our farm and on here, feel free to ask questions and offer advice. or just hit us up for some chicken farm chat.
last but not least, if you are a show quality breeder; we are looking for stock that is better than what we have. we prefer trio's but pairs will work too. let us know what you have.

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