Growing fodder in hot climates


Mar 21, 2020
Golan Heights, Israel
Where we live our greenest most vegetation filled times are over the winter and early spring. From mid May-late Oct we see no rain. Even with watering parts of our property there isn’t much that grows this time of year.
I was thinking of starting to grow some fodder and tried a small batch but it started to mold by day 2-3. We don’t have central AC so the house isn’t cool, I’m guess that is part of the reasons.

is itpossible to grow fodder in The fridge?
maybe put it in the fridge during the day and out at night?
Hi there. I believe the reason you got mold is because there was too much water. Maybe try again using less seed and water less often. What container were you growing the fodder in?
PS I use a kiddie pool filled with dirt to grow stuff for my flock. I just take off the lid and let them have at it for a while, then put it back on and water. When it's all clear I plant something else.
I grow micro-greens (fodder for humans) and when I first started I had mold issues.
It sounds like to much water and/or to many seeds, not enough air flow.

Try using fewer seeds.
Per-soak them for a few minutes (15 or so).
Drain well

If you are using soil make sure it is well draining and do the following;
Spread them out on your soil (there should be some space between the seeds. Don't over think this part. Just remember that if they are touching or piled up there could be to many and could cause mold as they grow.)
Tamp them down lightly
Use a spray bottle to moisten the soil (you only want it moist, not soaked)
Then cover for the first few days until they sprout
After that put them in the sun or under a grow light, use the spray bottle to keep the soil moist.

NOTE: Oats, Wheat and several other seeds will grow several inches with no soil. They just need to be kept moist.
Also wheat, black oil sunflower seeds and some others will have very fine white hairs right above the soil. This is normal not mold.

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