Greenfire Farms Jill Rees Second Generation Cream Legbar Hatching eggs


Poultry People
10 Years
Aug 10, 2012
Paw Paw, Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
I have Cream Legbar hatching eggs and chicks available. They are from pure Greenfire Farms Jill Rees Cream Legbar lines. This is the second generation after heavy culls the first generation and more culls the second, I have some much better birds than I started with. The Cream Legbar chicken lays blue eggs, has a crest on their head, and is autosexing (you can tell males and females apart at hatch). I was able to obtain some of the first ones available as chicks. The parents were hatched in August 2014 and have been laying for a couple months. I already have chicks from them. I am NPIP certified through Michigan. Adults have been selected and culled to ensure the best quality and more consistent egg color.

I cannot guarantee the best price. I can, however, guarantee they come from great quality. These come from the Rees Lines and I've culled out the ones that do not meet the standards I'm looking for. I started with 28 last August straight from Greenfire. They sent a mix of some that were way too light, some with poor body type, some that laid olive eggs, several issues. So, I culled all but a small handful. Now, I have the second generation and have worked hard to improve them. My goal is to improve the breed each generation--working for better and better birds.

Eggs will not be over 5 days old when sent.

Egg Prices:
$5 each

Feel free to message me or visit my website for orders.
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Hi, I like this breed for auto sexing purposes and blue eggs!
I noticed your heading said two cream Legbar hatching eggs. Will you have more in the future?

How much for shipping?

Hi, I like this breed for auto sexing purposes and blue eggs!
I noticed your heading said two cream Legbar hatching eggs. Will you have more in the future?

How much for shipping?



Thanks for bringing that to my attention. It said "generation two hatching eggs" because this is my second generation working with them. It has nothing to do with how many eggs I have for sale. Sorry for the confusion. I changed the heading to reflect that.
Oh, I'm sorry I misunderstood. It makes since now, thank you for explaining it to me! I'll PM you about a purchase

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