Grass clipping dilemma


12 Years
Apr 27, 2007
Is it ok to give them grass clippings from a gas powerd lawn mower, or does it get contaminated?
You want to take care that they are not long grass clippings, if the chickens arent able to rip off what they can chew, they swallow it whole and can lead to impacted crop. We had that experience with kids pulling grass out of the ground and giving it to the chickens. One of our girls got impacted crop and I had to put her down because she was suffering. Others may chime in with a different opinion but that's been my experience.
If your mower has a really sharp blade and the pieces are short (1 inch or so) then they will love you for it and eat like little pigs. The potential problem with impaction comes in when the pieces are 2 and 3 inches long or has the root attached because it was pulled and not cut. Then they can roll up in a ball in the crop. I feed mine clippings all the time and have for over 20 years without an issue.

I agree with Jamie. Many people, many chickens, many different experiences.
I have crab grass.
I didnt know this was a problem and my son has been giving them grass for a few days now, I dont know if they got any real long pieces. The blades of the crabgrass are up to 1/4 inch wide and can be 6 inches long.
hope no harm has been done so far.
How would I know if they were impacted?
They quit eating and will normally regurgitate water they try to take in.

As long as they pick the long blades apart when eating there is not a problem. Some chickens pick everthing apart while the odd one tries to swallow everything whole. That is when the problem comes in.
Thanks, I guess i'll keep an eye on them, make sure my son isn't feeding the whole blades of grass

So far everyone seems healthy.
Clods of dirt with grass attached is good. They can pick the grass off in managable pieces and love poking around in the dirt to see what goodies are there.

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