GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

Ok it took long enough to find it. I kept getting interested in the pages.
Post # 581 dated 11/13/13 is Kassaundra's post. Another that is also good is post # 646. on 11/20/13 by AletaG The Spanish tools pdf is post #748 w/ pictures and # 752 translated Hope this helps.
Went to a friends this past weekend to caponize a couple of young roosters. These were ~8-9 weeks old. I realized I prefer to do them at 5 weeks -- the testes were a little larger and softer. One split in half but I was still able to retrieve. Birds did well and are none the worse for wear. My son (13yo) has assisted me for each of the procedures. He is great at holding the birds and is not phased in the least. This past weekend, when asked by our host, said he looks forward to getting the opportunity to perform the procedure himself. It was nice to hear him say that. He did caution that it might cost a bird or two on the learning curve
. He is very patient and is more than content just helping me at the moment. I told him we would hatch a small batch specifically for him to get the opportunity.

On another note -- we went out to a friends house that has the first two capons we worked on. The black one is from my daughters little black hen and looks a lot like his mom. We decided to bring him home and he'll probably live out his days as a companion to my daughters three hens. We're looking forward to watching him grow out as this will be our first experience raising a capon.

On another note -- capon conversation has definitely picked up in this area and I have three different folks asking for tools. We have also come across a few individuals that remember learning about caponizing in Ag class in HS back in the 60-70's. On further discussion, it appears what they were being taught was essentially a vasectomy as opposed to a castration. Not sure why but they claim the benefits were apparent. Their teacher is still around and I intend to discuss further with him when the opportunity arises.

For those getting started (and thinking about it) as in most things, experience makes a big difference. Your confidence will grow with each success. I still get nervous when setting up and prepping but am able to settle down once I get started. Best of luck to all.
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