Granny's gone and done it again

An old friend called to wish me a happy and I am so depressed I didnt even answer the phone. She left a message. SD on messenger and you guys here.
I ran out of my Wellbutrin. Thanks to the people that renew rxs for the doctors, in another town. I guess nurses don't take care of that any more.
I saw the doctor today, my pulse is low, 50. No wonder I am tired and dizzy. I think a nap is in order.
I dont know how you do it. Raising 2 more. I know its hard. I had 5 of 6 here for a few months and court wanted me to keep them but it was just too much for me.
Five would be impossible. They have two siblings the courts wouldn't give us. Broke my heart to break them up. But one was doing really well in the foster home where he was, and totally grew up there. The other ... had special needs and we could not have met those needs here. These two are doing well here, and we've kept all the kids in touch, best we could. Shrug. You just do the best you can and the Lord provides.
Five would be impossible. They have two siblings the courts wouldn't give us. Broke my heart to break them up. But one was doing really well in the foster home where he was, and totally grew up there. The other ... had special needs and we could not have met those needs here. These two are doing well here, and we've kept all the kids in touch, best we could. Shrug. You just do the best you can and the Lord provides.
wow! I wonder why they wouldnt give them all to you. It doesnt make sense.

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