Granny's gone and done it again

SIL got good news I guess. ER dr was wrong. The mass he has is not cancer but a large hematoma. It will take a few months for it to reabsorb or they will need to go in there and drain it. In the meantime it is very painful for him.
My Nancy took me to eat today. I was in so much pain before we got home. My feet had/has purple bloches on them and are half numb half needles. I assume from them hanging down too long. I wonder if the blockages are getting worse.
How was everyones day?
Ouch granny :( I hope the doc can find a way to provide some relief for you. Good news about sil. Hopefully he gets some relief soon too.
Now that is a glorious yet humbling picture. Laundromat is getting busy. Oi. Good thing I’m in the drier now…

Ninja edit. Hubs sold his “clawhammer” truck. I am shocked. But I think he may have done some soul searching. He found my two new nano tanks I got - and started griping how he held off on getting the heater core fixed on that truck because I said don’t spend money. (Note the two tanks were less than $100 for the both - and no petsmarts in coos bay to get this particular style of tank. Same one as I had for the shrimp tank in Spare Oom (3 gallons) and the five gallon version of the same. I figure 3 gal will be my office betta, and 5 gal can be somewhere shrimp tank. Has lights, filter, substrate….

He went off on the heater core and I said look. You got your truck. You got your trip. I’m working. Let me have this.

I am hoping I may also come home to clean dishes in atonement but one can only hope for so much.
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Thank you Star. Wont you be glad when your in your new house and can use your own washer and dryer?
Yes although I will say. This laundromat chain is pretty good. Very clean. But yes. It will be nice to be able to put something in the wash and walk away and do something else. Though for now, it’s just a nice break for me too. An uncomfy standing around break but no expectation of social interaction, no work, just….existing.
SIL got good news I guess. ER dr was wrong. The mass he has is not cancer but a large hematoma. It will take a few months for it to reabsorb or they will need to go in there and drain it. In the meantime it is very painful for him.
My Nancy took me to eat today. I was in so much pain before we got home. My feet had/has purple bloches on them and are half numb half needles. I assume from them hanging down too long. I wonder if the blockages are getting worse.
How was everyones day?
It was great!!!!
Yes although I will say. This laundromat chain is pretty good. Very clean. But yes. It will be nice to be able to put something in the wash and walk away and do something else. Though for now, it’s just a nice break for me too. An uncomfy standing around break but no expectation of social interaction, no work, just….existing.
I get that.
SIL got good news I guess. ER dr was wrong. The mass he has is not cancer but a large hematoma. It will take a few months for it to reabsorb or they will need to go in there and drain it. In the meantime it is very painful for him.
My Nancy took me to eat today. I was in so much pain before we got home. My feet had/has purple bloches on them and are half numb half needles. I assume from them hanging down too long. I wonder if the blockages are getting worse.
How was everyones day?
How the heck did he get a hematoma there

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