Granny's gone and done it again

By 9 tonight I can shut the irrigation pump off. At 3pm the last area starts getting water. Hoping to get 4 rows if not 6 planted in the big block of garden today. The water put on it last night has to move on down before I can. It's a heavy sandy loam on top of a clay subsoil. This is the first year it has been planted in decades. It's been a struggle to get it planted as it was sod just a few weeks ago and I'm still fighting grass that keeps sprouting off of buried roots.
Took a sick day. This plague is whooping me good. :( also did not want to share it with one of our other girls, who’s back from may leave with three kids at home one of whom is only four months old. Nope. I can do what I gotta do from home thanks. If I’m still feeling crappy I may drive down to get stuff but…nope. Not sticking around our poorly ventilated office area to infect the others.

Got our septic report back. Well hubs has it. Apparently we’re looking good just need a new lid.

Edit. Still waiting to hear if tenant will sign paperwork to leave early…

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