Granny's gone and done it again

Earl Grey tea by Bigelow helps me destress and fall asleep. I breathe the scent of the tea in while sipping it.
Thought earl grey was a caffeinated tea.
I put a shot of maple syrup in mine. Knocks me right out. So comforting! 😉
Real maple syrup for the win ;) always. None of that table syrup crap!
Good news, my son and family are not bringing their 2 unruly dogs!
Huzzah!!! Mil mentioned next time she came down for court she’d have to bring her unruly Malinois. Oh gosh. When she moved out of their old house her bathtub (she got a fancy copper soaked tub) had turned color from him lifting his leg on it constantly. (Y’all. Goose had some accidents inside when he was a puppy. It happens. There was an instance of pee wars where hubs went to go pee and goose went to investigate and peed right outside the bathroom…but once he was housebroken that was it. He NEVER lifted leg in the house).
Yikes, thats high. I wonder if ours jumped
That’s low.
And ours is 1 dollar higher
Came to say this.
Y'all gonna have to give up on the Golden state.
About to. T minus one month for the exploration of Oregon. Hubs has been purging and scrapping and selling and I’ve been working on the inside a bit. Whoo dilly. Giving the kitchen some DEEP cleaning and purging.

I have a snail that likes to surf on leafs. IMG_2668.jpeg
Doing ok here. DH has shingles. Its airborn so Im waiting my turn. How are you and yours?
Oh no granny that's horrible. Hope it passes by you.
I'm ok, summer has been rough. Lost Kat last month, her stone came in today so got teary eyed after work. Work hasn't been great and I'm kinda burnt out of working that job, casually looking but not a lot of people hiring. Plus I want something a little less peoplely. Covid has been popping back up kinda heavy over here.
Oh no granny that's horrible. Hope it passes by you.
I'm ok, summer has been rough. Lost Kat last month, her stone came in today so got teary eyed after work. Work hasn't been great and I'm kinda burnt out of working that job, casually looking but not a lot of people hiring. Plus I want something a little less peoplely. Covid has been popping back up kinda heavy over here.
yes, I think it skipped me Im so sorry for your loss. Less peoplely? LOL I do understand.
yes, I think it skipped me Im so sorry for your loss. Less peoplely? LOL I do understand.
My social battery has been drained lately, can't get a recharge. I covered 3 extra shifts this week and all I want to do is shut myself away for a few weeks. Everyone is too loud, manners are horrible, some have been so rude to me and it just makes me mad.

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