Granny's gone and done it again

Ttytz a

if people were responsible for all the dang dogs they breed this wouldn’t be a problem. And don5 buy from a puppy mill pet store either.
I try my best to get rescue pups when I can. It probably encourages them to breed more too.
It's irresponsible owners too. Currently having to hear about a family member that got 2 Aussies last year to herd the cows. They've killed all their chickens, and their 2 goats. I'm tired of hearing about it, I've got messages each time they've killed something. But they don't want to train them or keep them away from all the livestock, it's just a big free for all.
Hows your emus doing Ally?
Yep. That’s what dogs do, kill chickens. Not their fault.
They think they should magically be perfect. I'm just worried they will get up here and kill stuff.
Hows your emus doing Ally?
Babies are getting big. They are in a small area until they get used to being out (they are clumsy) Adam and Barbie have already got hurt. Nothing major just a little blood and missing feathers.
It's finally dark and the kids with feather jackets are on their beds. Not long before I'm gonna want one too. Love the Emus. I'd like to hatch a couple out here just for the fun of it. Grand kids would love them.
It was the longest almost 8 weeks of my life. I love the little derpy raptors though.

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