Granny's gone and done it again

oh and also, I might be enrolling in an IB DP program next year. Which is basically just a small-scale college program that juniors and seniors can take (kinda like AP but I’ve heard it’s more rigorous). Still need to research it a bit more but it seems like fun. Brought it up to my mom. She thinks it’s risky moving schools during my junior/most important year of hs, but I think it’s worth it. Any research-based program entices me. Plus there’s an IB diploma at the end. Need anything to beat affirmative action!🫡

I still haven’t emailed anyone abt internships yet. Once I’m over this AP bio stress, I’ll think it over and see if I really want to do an internship over the summer. The other alternative is to go on vacation. I haven’t been on a plane since the start of covid. Which isn’t all that weird, but I miss traveling.

Ps. I realized I’ve been talking about the animals less. Just been so caught up in school ig. I’m reconsidering keeping quail. My mom and I went to Lowes and got some supplies for a quail aviary. Planning to build it during the first few weeks of summer. The chickens are good, my sister has been taking care of them lately. We have 3 broodies rn😣 I don’t plan to add anymore chickens though. When the ones we have are gone, I likely won’t restock. Not sure what I’m gonna do about the goats. Rn keeping them isn’t an issue, I just don’t want to be too busy to care for them well. Hopefully summer break helps with that. Okay, back to studying for me. I’m in the city library rn, next to the cafe. Smells like coffee❤️
Morning all
:frow I’m ok thanks. Been a lot busier today at the new job so I’ve been up and down the stairs picking and packing parts like a “jack in a box“ :lol: Achy back today so I’m ready for a soak in a hot bath that I’ve got running now.....

Will the water tablet last all day for you? An unexpected sneeze and I’d be toast if I had one those I think :oops: :lol:
:frow I’m ok thanks. Been a lot busier today at the new job so I’ve been up and down the stairs picking and packing parts like a “jack in a box“ :lol: Achy back today so I’m ready for a soak in a hot bath that I’ve got running now.....

Will the water tablet last all day for you? An unexpected sneeze and I’d be toast if I had one those I think :oops: :lol:
Im new to these pills so not sure what will ha[[en.
Sorry your hurting. Enjoy that bath!

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