Granny's gone and done it again

He is and he’s a real grass horse. It’s the only thing that actually puts weight on him. He’s lost a bit since I retired him so had vet out for a check and blood tests but all came back ok he said it’s just his age and to get him on some grass. It’s coming through nice now.
Im glad he is doing well. 28 is pretty old isnt it?
We always gave the older horses a little extra grain. Thoroughbreds, so they burned right through it. Alfalfa and grain for the brood mares... that's what they ate. I grew up thinking all horses ate that way.
Yeah he costs me a bomb in feed still :th

He gets hard feed three times a day on top of the grass and ad lib hay. Conditioning fibre chop, conditioning mash and conditioning mix. Would not swap him for the world though, he’s been my best friend for 21 years and brought me lots of pleasure so it’s only right I look after him in his senior years.
I spent yesterday with my sis. We took the dogs walking (in between rain showers) and went to the local hardware/building/garden place. I bought myself a new African violet. Never seen one quite like it.
View attachment 3496122
Now to keep it alive... :oops:
I would do better if house plants whined or meowed when they needed something.
That is a lovely color for a lovely flower!

Its beautiful! Ive never had one. I hear they are very hard to grow.
My mother-in-law has a knack with growing and maintaining African Violets.
Baby is blessed. ❤️ Two great grandma's were there. And speaking of..I already told you about one great on the way...I found out that I have another great in the way. :)
Yeah, but i was afraid to pull over because the animals could overheat in the back of my truck. Plus i had so much to do tonight. Plus i doubt 15 minutes of sleep sitting up would help me feel rested.
Sorry, I forgot about your passengers! Smh
I spent yesterday with my sis. We took the dogs walking (in between rain showers) and went to the local hardware/building/garden place. I bought myself a new African violet. Never seen one quite like it.
View attachment 3496122
Now to keep it alive... :oops:
I would do better if house plants whined or meowed when they needed something.
Beautiful!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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