Granny's gone and done it again

He’s 28 granny :love Going grey above the eyes now.
not for hairballs though right?
No. If he already has a hairball, grass makes him throw up, which isn't a bad thing if it brings up the hairball. I have to give him hairball goop quite a bit to keep his system going. Even with the regular brushing he gets. Small amounts of grass every so often helps pull everything through for him.
Too much grass is not good. They cannot digest it.
He looks like the perfect candidate for lots of green grass!
He is and he’s a real grass horse. It’s the only thing that actually puts weight on him. He’s lost a bit since I retired him so had vet out for a check and blood tests but all came back ok he said it’s just his age and to get him on some grass. It’s coming through nice now.
He is and he’s a real grass horse. It’s the only thing that actually puts weight on him. He’s lost a bit since I retired him so had vet out for a check and blood tests but all came back ok he said it’s just his age and to get him on some grass. It’s coming through nice now.
We always gave the older horses a little extra grain. Thoroughbreds, so they burned right through it. Alfalfa and grain for the brood mares... that's what they ate. I grew up thinking all horses ate that way.

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