Granny's gone and done it again

Hoping more chicks will hatch soon. I forgot to write down set date on this batch. But when i candle them, they are opaque so they must be nearly ready.
You’ll have to let us know how it goes. Hopefully you have a good hatch!
Put some new skids on my car today. The ones I took off still looked decent but were about four years old. Got them for just under 500 bucks, so, not bad. Then I had to go and get the car inspected and registered and bought groceries. I'm tarred.
what are skids? Brakes? You had a busy day!
Put some new skids on my car today. The ones I took off still looked decent but were about four years old. Got them for just under 500 bucks, so, not bad. Then I had to go and get the car inspected and registered and bought groceries. I'm tarred.
Sounds like a busy but good day. I’m sure you’ll rest well tonight after that.

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