Granny's gone and done it again

wonder how/what the anti-fossil fuels people will think of this

NextEra Energy subsidiary ESI Energy was also sentenced to five years probation after being charged with three counts of violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act during a court appearance in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The charges arose from the deaths of nine eagles at three wind farms in Wyoming and New Mexico.

In addition to those deaths, the company acknowledged the deaths of golden and bald eagles at 50 wind farms affiliated with ESI and NextEra since 2012, prosecutors said. Birds were killed in eight states: Wyoming, California, New Mexico, North Dakota, Colorado, Michigan, Arizona and Illinois.
Shh. Wind is the way of the future. Ignore any bad press.
Maybe. My mom is. Might be the sugar...might be because of how cold it is. I can drink milk fine...but have been preferring almond milk lately. 😋

I used to only be able to drink goat milk, so I am very excited to try some once those goats get into action. I know some people don't like goat milk, but I LOVE it.
I have yet to try goat milk….I used to get goat yogurt back up north but can’t find it at the stores nearby here. (The more hippie stores are a bit further away) and goat cheese is of course delicious.
That is so true! I know a lot of people think I’m crazy.. because technically I’m working three jobs and my full days are from 3:30am to 8-9pm and the other days are 3:30am to 7:00am ish and then 4:00pm to 5:30 ish.
And real maple surple! And hot peaches and whipped cream. Real whipped cream, not greasy Cool Whip. I don't eat pancakes or waffles but about twice a year and by golly, I am gonna do it up right! With an over-easy egg on the side, too!
You know, had an old friend message me out of the blue the other day. Turns out he and his fam bought a property near where we used to hit the slopes (he snowboards. I used to ski…) and he has been tapping the maple trees on it.
@CapricornFarm I promised to show you pics of my pallet composting bin. Here it is. I had The Kid stretch some plastic netting around each pallet first, nice n tight, to help keep the composting material inside. And I had my handyman John brace each pallet with T-posts so the wind won't blow them over. One pallet is shorter than the others, that's the front gate so it's not attached. I only expect to open it about once a year. Right now I will not be turning it, just loading it and letting it set. It has no "bottom," it's open to the ground. I hope this helps and gives you some ideas for yours. Over time I hope to turn it around and have three sections so I can make it more active, and turn the material, but right now these are all the pallets I have, so... It's a start! As my cousin Fran says, a finished something is better than a perfect nothing. Oh, on the left it is butted up against a fence that divides the chicken run in half. Theoretically and potentially. Right now they have access to the whole area. (Those are not my cows.)

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Ooooh. That I could do. Though I might have to do something other than plastic netting - that would get so fried so quick out here…

Just did a 2.8 mile hike with goose and some friends. And he wants to play fetch. Hubs still sleeps.
Morning all, slept good.
Shh. Wind is the way of the future. Ignore any bad press.

I have yet to try goat milk….I used to get goat yogurt back up north but can’t find it at the stores nearby here. (The more hippie stores are a bit further away) and goat cheese is of course delicious.


You know, had an old friend message me out of the blue the other day. Turns out he and his fam bought a property near where we used to hit the slopes (he snowboards. I used to ski…) and he has been tapping the maple trees on it.

Ooooh. That I could do. Though I might have to do something other than plastic netting - that would get so fried so quick out here…

Just did a 2.8 mile hike with goose and some friends. And he wants to play fetch. Hubs still sleeps.
Sprouts used to carry it. I don’t think they do now, though.
She does. First job in a long while she actually made it to day 90. lol She works at an eye glass place.
I had walked thru walmarts and was driving home. First hit my jaw then my chest and all I could think about was getting Robert and the grocerys home. By the time I got home and took some baby aspirin it had passed but the heart dr did an ekg and it showed there. He said it could be from the blockage I still had or a failed stent.
Wow. That is scary. Does Robert know?

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