Granny's gone and done it again


Yesterday I went to a new dog park. Everyone there knew eachother and eachother's dogs. Several different people on different ocassions confused my dog (also known as my familiies dog Kiki who I now take care of) with another dog called Henry. When he showed up, it kind of made sense?? Kind of not? Their backsides and tail look similar, but their faces are quite different. They are only 2 months apart in age though! It was tough to get them to cooperate in picture taking! That was the first time I met another dog with the hair like Kiki. Most dogs have either smooth hair like a BC, coarse hair like a husky, or soft hair like a chuhuahua or some terriers. Kiki did really well at the park (pretty good for a small dog atleast). She did not play with the others much, she just walked around and marked everywhere. She did let most dogs sniff her (without getting scared) and she sniffed many other dogs. She did get scared by one dog, but good thing that dog did not try to chase her. The people there were all really nice and a lot of dogs there were small dogs and behaved like Kiki.
Er... Which one is your Kiki? Wow, wonder if they could be related! Such a cute pic!
Mmmmm....grilled chicken and broccoli.

Need to figure out what I'm gonna do for dinner tomorrow...and the rest of the week. sigh.
So, Dad's home from the hospital...(yay) and they got the biopsy back from the polyp. There are cancerous cells in there. Since they caught it early, they're thinking he won't need to do chemo or radiation. He's got a consult with the surgeon on September 15th, so I guess I'll know more then.

I don't know what to say to my mom, I should give them a call tomorrow...I just...ugh. I've heard too many times "oh we think we got the cancer!" and then "oops it's back" (first with my aunt, and then with Peach...though at least with Peach the vet said she thought she got it all but it was a smaller non cancerous buffer zone than she liked...)

f cancer.
Better to be prepared than surprised?
I would want to know, but then I'm fairly low key.

No, turkey breast meat is white
My neighbor who hunts said wild turkeys have darker breast meat because they fly more than domestics. Not as dark as the leg & thighs, but not white.
I've never eaten wild turkey, just remember what he had said. Be interesting to try it.

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