Granny's gone and done it again

OH and my neighbor to the west of me, doesn't want to sell this years hay which is about 2 miles from my place BUT I am welcome to ALL of last years hay in the field right across the road (to the north of me) for FREE. Just hope the bales will "hold together" so we/I can move them.
OH and my neighbor to the west of me, doesn't want to sell this years hay which is about 2 miles from my place BUT I am welcome to ALL of last years hay in the field right across the road (to the north of me) for FREE. Just hope the bales will "hold together" so we/I can move them.
thats good to hear. What did you make?

Brownies from a box for Mike , he doesn't have an oven in his place. Then a jelly roll pan of Z-squash bars with frosting. TWICE the first according to the recipe and the second with extra cinnamon, vanilla and walnuts. Gave away most of the first and about 1/2 or so of the second pan. Then did homemade sausage, corn on the cob and baked taters one night. Last night did a hash with onions, sliced left-over sausage and z-squash , and the left over corn in a seperate container. Down to 4 onions from last years garden BUT this years are ready to start using anytime.

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