Granny's gone and done it again

That was our convo copied from FB . I dont like to do that. But I wont be made out to be a lier like It was all my idea. I cant believe you even went there Lisa.
Pam, for you information, I did not bring the convo here. After deleting me off of FB & messaging Rod about deleting him too last night. You proceeded to go back to BYC & publicly state to twist that I wouldn't be coming down & that we weren't friends anymore. I didn't think that was necessary from someone I thought was my friend.

I also dont know what you mean by "THAT" kind of friend I wanted. There was never any strings tied to my heart.
I know, that was truly the problem. I loved you & would do anything for you, but no matter the lengths I went to, it seemed it was never enough. I cared too much & never truly felt that you cared for me as much as some others here. Probably my own problem as I stated in one of our conversations. The reference to "that" kind friend was that I could no longer keep giving a shit, when you clearly thought it was fun keeping us all on the edge of our seats with worry over your health & hardships. I felt the need to distance myself from you in order to not worry so much about you. It was taking a toll on my health. Plus this time of year I just dont have time to even pee, let alone get on BYC to chat. I will always love you & your family, but rest assured this is the last you will hear or deal with me. If it was physically possible to delete ones persona here I would do so. I will miss all of the friends I have made here, :hugs & well wishes for all.
Twist had asked me a few times if you were coming. I finally had an answer for him. I didnt do that to a friend because you plainly stated you didnt want me for a friend.
I was taking a toll on you because my health is bad ? I leave you guys hanging ? Whatever makes you feel just.
There is a way for you to stay and not be bothered by me. Start or go back to your own thread and let your friends see you there.
I unfriended you on FB because you said you didnt want to be friends. Out of courtesy to you I unfriended your DH. NOW you have time to talk to me ?
Im done crying Lisa, you never loved me . I wasnt anything but a charity case to you.
Mornings, 4 hrs sleep. I am so tired.
If its supposed to rain til sunday we are in trouble. Empty cat litter box set outside is holding 6in water this am. I hope some of that come from the roof run off.
Arthritis sucks a big one.
That's a lot of rain! Wish we could have some of it. Share, share!

The guys are here working on the tub. He keeps talking about finishing it up. What a joke!:lau
He keeps talking because he's not working!
Pam, for you information, I did not bring the convo here. After deleting me off of FB & messaging Rod about deleting him too last night. You proceeded to go back to BYC & publicly state to twist that I wouldn't be coming down & that we weren't friends anymore. I didn't think that was necessary from someone I thought was my friend.

I know, that was truly the problem. I loved you & would do anything for you, but no matter the lengths I went to, it seemed it was never enough. I cared too much & never truly felt that you cared for me as much as some others here. Probably my own problem as I stated in one of our conversations. The reference to "that" kind friend was that I could no longer keep giving a shit, when you clearly thought it was fun keeping us all on the edge of our seats with worry over your health & hardships. I felt the need to distance myself from you in order to not worry so much about you. It was taking a toll on my health. Plus this time of year I just dont have time to even pee, let alone get on BYC to chat. I will always love you & your family, but rest assured this is the last you will hear or deal with me. If it was physically possible to delete ones persona here I would do so. I will miss all of the friends I have made here, :hugs & well wishes for all.
Aw, CL, don't go. We miss you already!
I stopped and cut some hay for the bunnies on the way home today. They were happy with it.
I need to clean cages in the barn , down to 4 bunnies in those miserable wire cages. I didn't get to fill waterers either because the water was turned off for a while. Guess i had best go check the critters. Bbl.

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