Granny's gone and done it again

Sigh. I went out to feed in my original coop and could tell the water wouldn't last so i filled the waterers. Then i decided the quail the hospital cages needed more. Then the bunnies looked hungry so i gave them more pellets. After that, i knew my flowers were dry so i watered them and the strawberries. It is cool, clear, and a nice full moon out there. Very lovely.
Good night Grannyland.
Goodnight Cap. It is a nice moon
Buenos dias a todos mis amigos en Grannyland..:hugs:frow

I wish everyone a happy and exciting Sunday..:yesss::highfive:

buenos dias amigos-2.gif
Ugh , Charlie is outside and will not stop barking because he wants in. Why can't he just stay out there and enjoy the fresh air? Not hot out yet.
So hopefully the front of the new coop will go up today. Then i can get the plywood cut and put up. I still have not found doors. But if i don't, i will build some.

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