Granny's gone and done it again

They said dissolvable, yeah. That it could take up to three months.
I bet she is having an allergic reaction to the dissovablestitches. We have seen in many times. They will actually pop up through5 the skin as the body rejects them. Not much you can do about it..
Morning Grannyland, I'm still a kicking if anyone was concerned. Life is crazy busy this time of year for me, but wanted to drop in & say "Hi" & that I miss you all. Garden are keeping me super busy. Thought I would share some updated pictures.
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My asparagus & strawberries are done for the year. Raspberries are just coming on, with blueberries soon after. Just thought I would toss in a picture of my shirt. It's called ~ short, busty lady trimming the bottom of my tomato plants lol.
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Have managed to get all the decks stained & hubs & I finished the boys play structure last weekend. The boys absolutely love it.
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I still have the coops to stain yet, but atleast a few jobs are finished. I need to get the rest done as the produce is coming on & it will be time to start canning.
Last, but not least ~ have any of you ever seen such a huge broody poop? Broody only pooped twice in 21 days. This thing looked human made. Broody momma hatched 6 FBCM yesterday. Checked on her and the chicks later in the day yesterday & she managed to trample one to death :(
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Wow your garden makes me feel like a slacker! Nice play set, i need to make one for the goats.
We miss you CL!
I was having all kinds of issues trying to get the turkey coop finished. First i had to finish the hardware cloth around the lower foot of the wall panels to protect any birds laying on the ground. I decided to use the staples you hammer in as i didn't want to use the compressor because i had to drag it off the mule and cart it down. Plus they don't cut through the wire. Then there was a stump the size of my wrist, right up against the panel where i needed to run the wire. Had to do a bunch of digging and chopping. Sweating. Then the dinner bell rang.
Evening Grannyland, quiting early tonight. Still have 2 loads of laundry to finish yet, but I'm getting there. Last night & tonight we are getting some much needed rain. It's been so dry, my well pump runs all day with keeping everything watered. We are having a very hot, humid summer this year. Guess Mother Nature thought we were wanting it warm since we had snow storms in mid April this year.
And before I forget again, congrats to Misty & Bruce on the new badges.
Just when I thought my broody hen had set the record on the size of her broody poop, she goes and pops out this one this afternoon.
Day 22 ~ Spoiler Alert ~ :sick
2018-07-13 20.40.07.jpg

Bigger logs for bigger predators!


Can't lose 2 gallons of pee and only 7 pounds, must be putting something in!

There are a couple of reasons I left So. Cal. in '79. That is one of them. No fair that it was in the high 90s here last week. Used to be we MIGHT hit 90° once or twice a summer.

I'd say you are much better looking in this life. Of course I suppose there are some who think English Bulldogs are good looking.

Um, just how small are the dogs that got their heads stuck in the water container?? The slot isn't big enough for anything but maybe a mouse's head.

Soon as you stop stealing their eggs!

:eek:How many do you have in there now??

No, air conditioners cool partly by both removing some heat and humidity from the air.

Well, if you had had time to read, you would know that people were asking :D
Garden looks way to neat and tidy and weed free. Cut it out.
Given all you've been doing, not surprising you don't have time to hang out here.
Thanks Bruce, I'm a little OCD about my gardens, that is until the crops come on & I start canning. Then they never see a hoe unless hubs does it.
Those pictures almost makes me hate Texas
Hi Pert, you don't have to hate Texas, but you sure could come for a visit when your tired of it, lol.
Oops. 10 total now.
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These are a week old and MUCH smaller!
OMG, they are so sweet :love
Morning all,
Lisa, beautiful pictures . I dont know the plants but they look so very healthy and HUGE ! I miss you a lot. I know you are working yourself to death. The shirt tells the tale. Beautiful happy GSs. They are lucky to have you.
Thanks hun, the big plants by the coops are my Zucchini & summer squash. Behind them are the row of mammoth sunflower plants. When they reach their full maturity they will be anywhere between 12-14 feet tall. Chickens love them because they create such great shade for their runs. Plus they get to enjoy the seeds when they mature. Forgot to congratulate you too. I'm glad they are going to be able to do Toms surgery. And d@MN girl, I want a lady to clean for 6 hrs for $25. Summer time my house suffers, just not enough hours in a day. Here is a picture of my tomato plants in the greenhouse. This is just one plant.
2018-07-13 20.57.07.jpg

Alley, good to know about your freezer. LOL Little info like that could come in handy down the road. Congrats on the little and the lings

Bruce, You seem like a pretty smart man, Maybe when you have some time on your hands you can find out why air cond. hurts my bones ? I have looked a few times myself.

Pert ! I have been worried ! :old Even one of these :frowto let us know your still ticking would be nice .

Cap, are you going on vaca too ?

Camping, cracking me up. I actually never thought I could maybe bandage Bandits spot to stop him from licking.

Star, whatcha doing to that poor hen ? LOL give her a crushed tum. works wonders .

IF I forgot anyone smack me. I got it coming

Have you seen pics of Lisa's place in the winter? Snow up to the eaves! Would make you feel much better about life in TX. :cool:
Hahahahaha :gig:lau ain't that the truth.


Maybe is has something to do with how our bodies respond to cold... outer blood vessels constrict to push the blood toward the warmth of the core. Not sure how that causes pain.:idunno I know when I am cold I have trouble relaxing. Could be it causes you to tense up in some way that makes the pain worse or just more noticeable.

My old hen, Penny, died today. She had a good last day, even spent last night in the coop, her choice, and roosted next to Grace, her friend since they were chicks. So, only 3 old hens from my original batch of chicks left. 6 year olds, all still laying the occasional egg... Welsummer (Grace), EE (Monkey), and buff Orp (Peach the therapy chicken). I realized I am much more attached to these old girls since they are super friendly. None of the chickens I have added to the mob since then have been anywhere near as friendly... except maybe Spike. She's a goofball.

Time to take poor Penny up to the farm. Going into to the circle of life.
:hugs Wishing, losing those old timers is hard.
Wow your garden makes me feel like a slacker! Nice play set, i need to make one for the goats.
We miss you CL!
Thank you Cap, have missed you all as well. You need to remember that I'm not building coops & everything every day like you are either. In addition, my gardens are my job. With having a roadside veggie stand I have to have product. Plus I can a lot & for a number of people (family).
I did get the frame for the turkey pen/ nest box put up, yesterday i think it was. Idk, they all run together. 20180713_165832.jpg
Every thing is crazy crooked because the land slopes two different ways. To top it off, hubby decided to make the runs attach to a tree and the run is at a crazy angle to the coop. Drives me nuts. Trying to put the roof on the run was a challenge. I plan to put 2 aluminum panels on the roof of the run next to the coop, as soon as i buy them. Hubby is not going to like it. Tant pis. ( Too bad in french).
Despite the fact that it got dark, i kept on working. I think i may be the most stubborn person in VA. I want to be Done! I painted the old door, cut it off at 4 feet. Put it on top of the pen. Covered it in hardware cloth, to protect it from getting glass busted and to cover the one pane that was missing. I like the window panes to let in light from the skylight.

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