Granny's gone and done it again

I had amazing dreams last night! Was on this island and the fresh water was running out. Trying to figure out how to save the people. ...Helping out in a museum, helping to clean and move cool stuff. ...traveling in a train, got to sit in the engineers seat....getting a ship to go help the people on the island...time travel... stupid alarm wakes me up and i am having muscle spasms...stupid reality!
Sorry Cap, :hugs My back the past 2 days has been screaming at me to rest. It kept threatening to go out on me. I don't have time for that chit :rant
I keep telling hubby to cut the logs smaller , easier to lift but he never listens. These are tree trunks about 5 or 6 feet long!
Bigger logs for bigger predators!

Josie’s spay site is looking red and swollen. It’s been a month since the surgery, seems like it would be healed already.

How do you know he hides snacks in his room ?
Can't lose 2 gallons of pee and only 7 pounds, must be putting something in!

I think it has been over 100 plus for 7 days.
There are a couple of reasons I left So. Cal. in '79. That is one of them. No fair that it was in the high 90s here last week. Used to be we MIGHT hit 90° once or twice a summer.

I can’t handle heat lol I was a English bulldog in a previous life :gig
I'd say you are much better looking in this life. Of course I suppose there are some who think English Bulldogs are good looking.

Um, just how small are the dogs that got their heads stuck in the water container?? The slot isn't big enough for anything but maybe a mouse's head.

I wonder when they quit laying for the year.
Soon as you stop stealing their eggs!

I do. Could fit a few bodies in there if it wasn’t so full already
:eek:How many do you have in there now??

Air conditioners blow out damp air which keeps a room cool in lamen terms:p
No, air conditioners cool partly by both removing some heat and humidity from the air.

Morning Grannyland, I'm still a kicking if anyone was concerned.
Well, if you had had time to read, you would know that people were asking :D
Garden looks way too neat and tidy and weed free. Cut it out.
Given all you've been doing, not surprising you don't have time to hang out here.
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Sunny and hot, hot and sunny... this is getting boring. Planning to build a small pen in the turkey coop for the littles. Just need to drag self out there and load up the mule. Sigh. Vacation to a cool place would be nice, like hubby has planned. Heading to NS later this month.
Morning Grannyland, I'm still a kicking if anyone was concerned. Life is crazy busy this time of year for me, but wanted to drop in & say "Hi" & that I miss you all. Garden are keeping me super busy. Thought I would share some updated pictures.
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My asparagus & strawberries are done for the year. Raspberries are just coming on, with blueberries soon after. Just thought I would toss in a picture of my shirt. It's called ~ short, busty lady trimming the bottom of my tomato plants lol.
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Have managed to get all the decks stained & hubs & I finished the boys play structure last weekend. The boys absolutely love it.
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I still have the coops to stain yet, but atleast a few jobs are finished. I need to get the rest done as the produce is coming on & it will be time to start canning.
Last, but not least ~ have any of you ever seen such a huge broody poop? Broody only pooped twice in 21 days. This thing looked human made. Broody momma hatched 6 FBCM yesterday. Checked on her and the chicks later in the day yesterday & she managed to trample one to death :(
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Those pictures almost makes me hate Texas
“Really mom??”

She had a bit of a Dawn dunk earlier. Her butt was rather gross. Now it’s epsom soak time for a while.

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