GPS Trackable Poultry Tags

I believe @aart has the right of this, for reasons others have chimed in with.

Just spit-balling it, you've got four options, with three sets of problems (one of which is sort of shared by all).

GPS with transmitter is too big, too heavy, and requires constant charging as its an active amplifier and transmitter. Reducing it to a single chip, like you see on a cell phone, broadcasting say once every five minutes, and pairing with an LI-style micro cell phone battery you could use an induction charger as your roosting bar. Limited accuracy but potentially great range.

Bluetooth same problems as GPS, except that it doesn't provide location data - but you don't need fancy equipment to read the signal, though with a large flock of birds, that's a lot of pairing to try until you discover the ID of the missing bird. Its also non directional.

Active RFID - much like Bluetooth, though range has improved dramatically with 3rd gen, you would need a specialized scanner, but its semi-directional and most of the battery bower can be concentrated there, in a hand held unit.

Passive RFID - this has no range, but no battery needs. Current technology, I understand, allows some of these to be read as much as 30' away. Cover your property in stakes with tiny solar panels, like path lights with rechargeable AA batteries, and you can cover a theoretically infinite area. Or connect them up with landscape wiring, tie in some electronics, and make a distributed network to feed location on every RFID back periodically to a laptop, etc.

Battery assisted passive designs greatly improve range, allowing greater spacing of posts, but the more frequently you ping, the faster the battery runs down.

So. Possible. Not Practical.
Not to hyjack your thread, but last night my husband and I were talking about this for our backyard chickens after I found yet again another hidden nest. He is an electrical engineer specializing in small electronics, and currently works with RFID, bluetooth, and GPS devices. Since we couldn't find anything for our needs he was talking about designing something. So the question is. What do people want in a chicken GPS tracker? We were thinking of a leg tag. How long a battery life would it need, distance or range, would detecting non motion (aka lay egging, broody, etc) be helpful for those hidden nests? Would you pay more for this feature? If we were to make an app to connect to a smart phone, what other features would you want. How much are people willing to pay for a tracking system? What problems are you trying to solve by tracking your chickens? If we can get enough interest and get the cost down we could possibly do a KickStarter this summer.
We have the same issue with our sneaky hens hiding their eggs all over their 1/4 acre bushy plot. Sometimes it takes me weeks to find where they're laying, so it would be nice to have a device we could attach to a hen to record where she is, say every 15 mins, which should allow us to deduce where she spend time and thus lays. We did also lose a chook last year that we're pretty sure just wandered off to a neighbour because she didn't like being pestered by our cockerel, though that was just a one-off so unless the GPS device was super-cheap we wouldn't have them on all the hens anyway. Glad we're not the only ones thinking of this sort of thing. Best of luck if you try and get this project off the ground :)
I am looking for a tracking Device that could be used for chickens ducks geese turkeys. I have found some for pigeon which would work great but not all of my birds of that size. My biggest thing about needing a tracking device is because I go to poultry shows and I’ve had quite a few birds come up missing. So I think that it should have at least a 20 mile distance on the tracker and a very good battery life that would last longer than two or three days. I’ve seen son that last 21 days. But trying to put those on a goose or a chicken that you’re trying to have judged would be kind of difficult.
Not to hyjack your thread, but last night my husband and I were talking about this for our backyard chickens after I found yet again another hidden nest. He is an electrical engineer specializing in small electronics, and currently works with RFID, bluetooth, and GPS devices. Since we couldn't find anything for our needs he was talking about designing something. So the question is. What do people want in a chicken GPS tracker? We were thinking of a leg tag. How long a battery life would it need, distance or range, would detecting non motion (aka lay egging, broody, etc) be helpful for those hidden nests? Would you pay more for this feature? If we were to make an app to connect to a smart phone, what other features would you want. How much are people willing to pay for a tracking system? What problems are you trying to solve by tracking your chickens? If we can get enough interest and get the cost down we could possibly do a KickStarter this summer.
It’s now 2022, did this ever happen? I have 8 acres, 8 chickens, and would very much consider if gps could be implemented in a device going on the leg. They do have ring trackers for humans, so it’s not too far fetched that something can be done with chickens, ducks turkeys having a monitor on their legs. Thank You JBS
I would be interested in getting one or two trackers since I have free range chickens and they often hide out and have nests of eggs in the yard or neighbor’s yard that I can’t find 😐
Right now two of my chickens are sitting on nests that I can’t seem to find- I have a large yard with a lot of bushes in it, but sometimes they are in my neighbor’s yard, so I really can’t find them if they are on his side of the fence.
Does anyone know of a site that sells these? So far the only affordable option I have seen is RFID tags but they are not gps traceable and would require an RFID reader which has limited range.
Im really wanting to incorporate traceable tags when I put ID tags on my free range babies. I have lost three grown birds without a trace and am rearing more pullets at the moment.
The only thing I can find online are pigeon trackers and they are too small to Put On a chicken's leg. So if I could get a hold of a chicken tracker I would purchase it Myself.

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