Gout, Bumblefoot or ?? Treatment? See photos

Any Tart Cherry will be fine. About an 1/8 tsp a day. Hide it in food if you can. You could also put it in a quart waterer.

Oh and that Uricel is perfect to be using. That should really help!

Gout is not curable and these meds take a long time to change the birds constitution. This will be an ongoing thing for the rest of his days. He can eat poultry food but low protein food only.

Good luck and keep us posted! :)
Hi again twocrows need help fast got a sick rooster he been sick few days runny stool crop feels soft he skinny I can feel his chest bone. What dose normal crop feel like? R u a chicken exspert? I do need your help again. The meds I have Nutri-Drench,vetrx, vitamins and its called Electrolytes with Lacto bacillus. He dont have lice or mites. Runny stool please help fast twocrows what can I give him quick
Hi again twocrows need help fast got a sick rooster he been sick few days runny stool crop feels soft he skinny I can feel his chest bone. What dose normal crop feel like? R u a chicken exspert? I do need your help again. The meds I have Nutri-Drench,vetrx, vitamins and its called Electrolytes with Lacto bacillus. He dont have lice or mites. Runny stool please help fast twocrows what can I give him quick

Crops need to be checked first thing in the morning. They should be full during the day and at roosting time. Mornings only should they be empty. He may have a sour crop, but you need to check the crop tomorrow morning.

Is his butt feathers stained with white urates? Any blood is the poop? If this is the case you need to get him on Corid for a Coccidiosis infection. You can get Corid at most feed stores.

Does the butt feathers smell bad? Stained green? This could be Vent Gleet, a yeast infection in the intestines. Acidified Copper Sulfate will help with this. Some feed stores carry it or you can get it from Twin Cities Poultry.

Has he been wormed recently? If not he could have an overload of worms. In which case you might worm him with Safeguard.
He has no blood in stool. And he dose have runny green and white stool. And I think he dose have sour crop. R u a chicken expert???? His crop dont feel hard like it should be feels sqishy and soft he throws up. I just read massaging it helps and giving them some Epsom salt in cup of water helps to flush it out. And I ask what dose a normal crop feel like? Cuz I read theres two kinds that it bad inpack and sour crop. Then how do u tell witch is normal feel? He hasnt crowed eaither he is eating chick crumble feed I herd mash feed is good what is mash feed? And what kind??
And will any meds I say I have help? Cant go to any stores right now its late and its a holiday and what do u mean feed stores u mean like tractor supply? Never herd that meds and yes he has green stain butt with white
And his stool is green and white witch is normal color or brown butt all mine chickens stool is green and white will send pics ok
Here he is and his stool his name is chip he a big boy. Skinny. Sometimes his stool look like that or watery and no I dont deworm my chickens. Just cuz I dont dosent mean he has worms. And I dont see any worms
This poop looks like a cecal poop to me. They pass a few of these oily smelly poops a couple times a day, and are totally normal.

How was his crop this morning, full or emtpy? If full, was it soft and squishy, very hard or doughy as if it were bread dough you could knead?

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