Got Goose; now unsure- help!

Took some photos of them all enjoying the sun & grass.


Honey the Goose
SO far it's been doing fine with the ducks. Granted earlier I saw it haranguing one of the ducklings till it submitted to it & it then went after another one for a few then quit. lol Almost like it was telling them to all lay down & sleep.

They all spent awhile today outside.
Just curious to know how this turned out as I have a pair coming this week.... As well as 15 orpington and australorp chicks in the oven! Plus my 3 turkeys... I'm planning to brood in the same room in separate pens and wanted to know if that is overkill on the protectiveness, lol... The turkeys will be completely separate.
Just curious to know how this turned out as I have a pair coming this week.... As well as 15 orpington and australorp chicks in the oven! Plus my 3 turkeys... I'm planning to brood in the same room in separate pens and wanted to know if that is overkill on the protectiveness, lol... The turkeys will be completely separate.
We currently have 2 "brooders" in our master bathroom. Smaller tote has the youngest of the chicks. (The 4wk olds have moved to the garage.) The larger of the tote has 3 geese & 3 runner ducks.
It's working fine. They go outside in the small fence that allows them into the chicken tractor & spend their day. (They're extremely unhappy if they're not allowed outside. lol)
They've not had a heat lamp since a few days after getting them. All of them keep each other quite warm. In fact there's been a couple times one of the ducks was panting because the room temp & them was warm. lol
With you not housing ducks with it, you should have way less mess. But they will fuss a lot. lol Honey has imprinted on the hub & loves to have him hold itself. But it also is fine with our children so far too.

As for turkeys, last year we had them. lol 2 of the smartest, dumbest things I've ever owned. Omgosh. lol I know a lot say not to house them with chickens, but we did & the only issue we had was once they were older. The roos would pick on the hen. When smaller they stayed with the chicks until they grew faster so they had their tote. They'd always escape unless you would cover them. Beware they're noisy too! lol Constantly talking also.

Hope that helps.
well its been a month do you still have the gosling? or did you get him a friend(another gosling)? I have 2 pilgrim geese (a male and a female) I keep them separated from my ducks and chickens. I tried together it did NOT work. They speak different languages (honks/quacks/bwuks) and different body languages so they do not like each other really. except that my chickens (hens only) like my ducks, but not vice-versa, lol
well its been a month do you still have the gosling? or did you get him a friend(another gosling)? I have 2 pilgrim geese (a male and a female) I keep them separated from my ducks and chickens. I tried together it did NOT work. They speak different languages (honks/quacks/bwuks) and different body languages so they do not like each other really. except that my chickens (hens only) like my ducks, but not vice-versa, lol
Well you could see above replies. lol
We have 3 goslings now. 2 white Chinese goslings, Maple and Butter, and Honey, the African/Chinese brown goose.

As for keeping them separated; ours have been perfectly fine. In fact tonight is the first night the 3 ducklings are away from the geese & the geese are SO NOT happy.
The ducklings look to Honey as the leader so we are working on getting them acclimated to the 2 ducks we have & not following the geese.

The runner ducklings; Chicken, Biscuit & Gravy, mainly Biscuit who seems to be the vocal self appointed leader, actually chases our yr old drake. lol The geese definitely attack him.
Our farm dynamics are ducks rule, chickens deal with it- including the rooster. But it's looking like now the Geese will rule, then the ducks & chickens have to just deal with it.
Well you could see above replies. lol
We have 3 goslings now. 2 white Chinese goslings, Maple and Butter, and Honey, the African/Chinese brown goose.

As for keeping them separated; ours have been perfectly fine. In fact tonight is the first night the 3 ducklings are away from the geese & the geese are SO NOT happy.
The ducklings look to Honey as the leader so we are working on getting them acclimated to the 2 ducks we have & not following the geese.

The runner ducklings; Chicken, Biscuit & Gravy, mainly Biscuit who seems to be the vocal self appointed leader, actually chases our yr old drake. lol The geese definitely attack him.
Our farm dynamics are ducks rule, chickens deal with it- including the rooster. But it's looking like now the Geese will rule, then the ducks & chickens have to just deal with it.
love love love!! thanks for sharing, sounds wonderful!!

Updated photos of Honey.


It was getting some daddy love, Sunday afternoon. lol


Butter was also enjoying some daddy time. (Trying to tame Maple & Butter more. They're still so skittish & squeal so much when held. But both settled down after a few minutes. One of them started falling asleep.)
What happened to the ones from last year? Look on your state forum you might find someone who has Runners.
I'm next door in NC but so far no Runner eggs this year. I have Muscovy that are standing at the ready to incubate. lol

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