Got Comb? My Red Star Harriet Does.

Desert Peep

In the Brooder
9 Years
May 18, 2010
Tucson, AZ
About a month ago I purchased several baby chicks from MPC, including two Red Star Pullets. One of the chicks, has a very large comb compared to the other. She is also a much lighter color. I thought Red Stars were sex-links. Is my Harriet a roo, or just "well endowed"? Any feedback is greatly appreciated as roosters aren't permitted in city limits. I love BYC:) Thank you chicken experts. The last photo is of the other Red Star.





My other Red Star

From what I have read I thought the males were the cream/light colored chicks and the girls were more of the red like your second picture showed. The comb is a little suspicous as well. Last summer I had a Red star go broody and hatched out 3 babies. Well the momma was a Red Star and the daddy was a RIR. Well the chicks were yellowish and they all turned out to be boys. They were all red, with a little bit of white/cream trim and few black feathers in the tale feathers. Talk about confused. The local livestock supply kept telling me that they should be cream (red star male) and I said they aren't. But they are a cross between and RIR and another chicken (white rock maybe).
Some RSLs are much lighter as chicks than others, but yours is quite light, and that comb seals it. I've added a couple of pics of mine first at 3 wks, then at the beginning of the summer (14 wks). One was quite lighter, but the combs were pullet sized. My white leghorn is also in the second pic - all three now have ample red combs and are laying.

Not a great shot, but you can tell there's not much comb to speak of and the chick on the right is very light colored

14 wks, combs still small and pink

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