goose losing feathers. help

Exactly !! That's what I had read also !!!!
Is there any other form of wormer ? Something in feed or that can go in their water?
So little available out there on geese.
Thank you for all your info and I would be interested as to how you drenched your goose.
Update on the molting :( Not molting at all it was dietary and I had an injured goose.
First the dietary , I needed to add the nutritional yeast to their feed. Made an amazing difference .
Second -the injury- decided to take both geese to the vet . I was worried about worms being the issue.
First goose weighed in at 14 lbs @ 3mons.
Second goose weighed in at 7.5 lbs. this was the one I was concerned about.
Physical exam - she/he. Had a SPRING around its tongue. The metal was cutting the tongue and the swelling was causing constricted blood flow to the end of the tongue.
Goose had surgery , came home on antibiotics and pain meds. Returned for 1wk checkup and passed with flying colors. Pink had returned to the end of the tongue and all that was left of the ordeal is a small dent on the tongue. By the end of the week goose knew what was coming morning and night and was very receptive to the syringe of pain meds and the 2 pills being popped into the mouth !!!
I can't imagine how or where it got a spring . Only know I love these two with all my heart.
As luck would have it - the new vet at my clinic is super informed and treats water fowl !!!
Happy day!
Update on the molting
Not molting at all it was dietary and I had an injured goose.
First the dietary , I needed to add the nutritional yeast to their feed. Made an amazing difference .
Second -the injury- decided to take both geese to the vet . I was worried about worms being the issue.
First goose weighed in at 14 lbs @ 3mons.
Second goose weighed in at 7.5 lbs. this was the one I was concerned about.
Physical exam - she/he. Had a SPRING around its tongue. The metal was cutting the tongue and the swelling was causing constricted blood flow to the end of the tongue.
Goose had surgery , came home on antibiotics and pain meds. Returned for 1wk checkup and passed with flying colors. Pink had returned to the end of the tongue and all that was left of the ordeal is a small dent on the tongue. By the end of the week goose knew what was coming morning and night and was very receptive to the syringe of pain meds and the 2 pills being popped into the mouth !!!
I can't imagine how or where it got a spring . Only know I love these two with all my heart.
As luck would have it - the new vet at my clinic is super informed and treats water fowl !!!
Happy day!
That is great news so glad it wasn't something that couldn't be found.. With mine I think they will try to eat anything.

Congrats they are both well and loved by you!!

Welcome to BYC @equustears
I hear that on the " try to eat anything" landscape.
They've turned the water slicker on , chew on the house siding and love to pull pieces of wallpaper if I don't get up early enough ( on goose time) to take them out of their tote and release them to the outside.
Neighbors don't appreciate the chatter at the break of day lol
Totally in love with them
I hear that on the " try to eat anything" landscape.
They've turned the water slicker on , chew on the house siding and love to pull pieces of wallpaper if I don't get up early enough ( on goose time) to take them out of their tote and release them to the outside.
Neighbors don't appreciate the chatter at the break of day lol
Totally in love with them

Maybe a few goose eggs when they begin to lay will make the neighbors happy.
I have a female Toulouse who is loosing feathers as well. Looks a bit taggered...but no fear, as long as she is eating and nothing else is going on...she is molting.
This process has been going on for weeks now.....I found her huddled next to a wall to keep warm as her chest feathers came off...leaving her chest quite bare. So I made a mandana for her out of fleece and stitched the back rather than being tied in the back and it kept her chest warm for days until the feathers started coming in.
if you put some type of geese clothing on her.....make sure there are no ends to get pulled and caught in her throat......fleece doesn't ravel that's why I used it.
jean in Idaho
My 2 went through a molt last summer . Vet told me to add nutritional yeast flakes to their feed . It's in the organic dept in grocery store.
It really helped , they were feathered out and beautiful again in no time. I still add a few tablespoons a couple times a week on top of their pellets
I raise Canada geese as well as Toulouse.One day one of them got some thread tangled around the end of the tong was a struggle but got it off...they will chew, eat and taste anything so i try my best to make sure there are no things hanging...around them. and..............I have started yeast vitamins in their well.
Jean in Idaho
Thank you for replying
I guess that's the question I can't answer with confidence. No one I an find sells water fowl food so they are getting poultry grower crumbles and oat and cracked corn scratch . It worries me if they are getting the niacin and other vitamins that I've been told they need. I turn them loose in the yard daily and they have a large fenced yard that they reside in. With their pool.
It's been extremely hot here and humid so I was thinking maybe they were too warm but .... I just really want to do right by them . They are so dear.
Try green sweet peas that what I give mine . And even though your post is old, I always give green peas before I give supplements.
And it’s hot here in Florida. I worry about her every day. She’s on her last month I believe.
hi all! please help!

my female goose is loosing her feathers like mad! please help!

is this a disease or is she just molting?

here is a picture of all her feathers

Molting and also I give green peas during this time and I’m in Florida and it’s awful hot here

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