Goose incubation air sac development

Oct 15, 2020
South Carolina
Hi everyone! I’m currently incubating 2 white Chinese geese, and have some concern about their air sac development. I’m incubating them at 100.5 (still air) and at 55% humidity (ranges between 50-60% at times). I marked them on day 10 and 15, but compared to research I’ve done they seem to be slightly behind on development, as in the air sac may be too small. I’m not sure if I’m over thinking it, but it’s currently day 17 and I’ve decreased the humidity to a range of 40-50%. I’ve successfully hatched geese once before (several years ago) and at the time I didn’t mark them or pay much attention to development, so now that I’m measuring I’m a little concerned. Should I continue with the lower humidity or were they at normal growth?
Only thing I do different with any of my waterfowl eggs is day 10 I start opening in the incubator for atleast 30 minutes everyday misting the eggs with water making sure they’re wet and recovering. I live in south Alabama and I only dry incubate all my eggs. My humidity ranges anywhere from 35-65 but of course spikes up when the eggs are sprayed and recovered for a day or so.
50 to 60 is a bit high for the first few weeks. Goal for me is about 35-45% till the 3rd week. So a little less right now wouldn't hurt them. High humidity is really important at lock down.
Only thing I do different with any of my waterfowl eggs is day 10 I start opening in the incubator for atleast 30 minutes everyday misting the eggs with water making sure they’re wet and recovering. I live in south Alabama and I only dry incubate all my eggs. My humidity ranges anywhere from 35-65 but of course spikes up when the eggs are sprayed and recovered for a day or so.
Could you tell me how you dry incubate? I have struggled with air sacs being too small in my last several duck hatches. I am in western North Carolina so not as humid and hot as you, but still in the South. I have been hatching in a kebonnix incubator with temp at 99.5 and humidity at 50-60 for the first days and between 60-70 during lockdown. I had at least 2 if not 3 die after their internal pips :( Thank you!
Could you tell me how you dry incubate? I have struggled with air sacs being too small in my last several duck hatches. I am in western North Carolina so not as humid and hot as you, but still in the South. I have been hatching in a kebonnix incubator with temp at 99.5 and humidity at 50-60 for the first days and between 60-70 during lockdown. I had at least 2 if not 3 die after their internal pips :( Thank you!
This late winter first hatches my home was to humid which is unusual for Colorado so I switched to almost dry hatching. Always make sure you raise humidity if it drops down to 15%. But Ideally you want to maintain 35-40 percent during the first 3 1/2 weeks. 50 to 60 is to high. What I did is add water when I got down to 25% since my house was around 35% didn't have to add water for a few weeks. Cool down time with misting will also help you to at air sac development. So very dependent on your climate. Ideally during lock down you want 70% or better. All of my batters and hatcher are forced air. Also the difference between that diagram and geese is when they start to turn the air cell gets allot bigger. Look at the difference on day 20-24 in the growth that with your eggs would happen day 24-28

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