good news and a slight concern..!



Jun 30, 2022
North Coralina
Hello everyone again! I feel like I post tons of threads nowadays lol..
So since Tulipa died during hatching and we wanted to get Newt a friend but no one had any call ducklings.. we got some more eggs!

We bought some snowy call eggs from someone and they had 6 eggs, they weren't sure if any were good or bad but it was all the eggs their female calls laid at the time.
Out of six eggs, one was a rotten egg and two were infertile. Meaning we had three eggs!
Eggs 2, 3, and 6 all made it. Egg 2 is Clove, egg 3 is Lilac, and egg 6 is Downy. That's how I'll be referring to them.

All eggs are on day 22, they were all put in the incubator at the same time. They'll be hatching sometime this week, maybe towards next week!
Lilac is doing really well, shes the most grown and the most determined!
Downy is also doing very well, I'd say hes a tad bit smaller than Lilac but other than that hes doing really well.
Clove is our runt. On day 19, she looked like she was on day 12 or 13! I didn't candle her again until today and I'm glad to say she looks like shes almost caught up with the other two! I was really nervous she was going to give up since it looked like it but shes doing well. (Her egg is also the biggest and heaviest although shes a bit behind lol)

Now here is the slight concern. Lilac, our most determined duckling to hatch looks like it has a hole in the air cell. It is not time to hatch and there is no duck beak or internal pip. I honestly think it's nothing and it's just something on the outside of the egg that looks like its inside the egg when I candle. I didn't get a picture when I turned them at 4pm but at 10pm I'll get one.

I'll be posting their updates here instead of making new threads!
Hello everyone again! I feel like I post tons of threads nowadays lol..
So since Tulipa died during hatching and we wanted to get Newt a friend but no one had any call ducklings.. we got some more eggs!

We bought some snowy call eggs from someone and they had 6 eggs, they weren't sure if any were good or bad but it was all the eggs their female calls laid at the time.
Out of six eggs, one was a rotten egg and two were infertile. Meaning we had three eggs!
Eggs 2, 3, and 6 all made it. Egg 2 is Clove, egg 3 is Lilac, and egg 6 is Downy. That's how I'll be referring to them.

All eggs are on day 22, they were all put in the incubator at the same time. They'll be hatching sometime this week, maybe towards next week!
Lilac is doing really well, shes the most grown and the most determined!
Downy is also doing very well, I'd say hes a tad bit smaller than Lilac but other than that hes doing really well.
Clove is our runt. On day 19, she looked like she was on day 12 or 13! I didn't candle her again until today and I'm glad to say she looks like shes almost caught up with the other two! I was really nervous she was going to give up since it looked like it but shes doing well. (Her egg is also the biggest and heaviest although shes a bit behind lol)

Now here is the slight concern. Lilac, our most determined duckling to hatch looks like it has a hole in the air cell. It is not time to hatch and there is no duck beak or internal pip. I honestly think it's nothing and it's just something on the outside of the egg that looks like its inside the egg when I candle. I didn't get a picture when I turned them at 4pm but at 10pm I'll get one.

I'll be posting their updates here instead of making new threads!
can you get a photo?
In regards to Clove, have you checked your incubator for cool spots?
can you get a photo?
In regards to Clove, have you checked your incubator for cool spots?
I can try. I candle Lilac this morning and it seems like shes ready to hatch!
Lilac and Downy are set in the incubator where I think the most heat is coming from, I tried to squeeze Clove with them but I'm assuming she didn't get as much heat so that's why shes so little.
I can try. I candle Lilac this morning and it seems like shes ready to hatch!
Lilac and Downy are set in the incubator where I think the most heat is coming from, I tried to squeeze Clove with them but I'm assuming she didn't get as much heat so that's why shes so little.
Is the air cell drawing down? I would alternate the eggs positions, daily, so that they get more even heat.
Is the air cell drawing down? I would alternate the eggs positions, daily, so that they get more even heat.
Yeah for Lilac and Downy who I actually am changing his name to possibly Lovebug because when I candled him today, I noticed one of his veins was shaped into a perfect heart! I wish I could've gotten a picture.

I'm going to candle Clove tonight, she seems to be doing good.
I plan to stop turning the eggs tomorrow if they look ready to hatch since it'll be day 24 tomorrow.
I'm going to have to turn Clove for probably another 2-4 days since it looks like she needs to develop a bit more or I might keep turning her until I see her trying to internally pip..
Yeah for Lilac and Downy who I actually am changing his name to possibly Lovebug because when I candled him today, I noticed one of his veins was shaped into a perfect heart! I wish I could've gotten a picture.

I'm going to candle Clove tonight, she seems to be doing good.
I plan to stop turning the eggs tomorrow if they look ready to hatch since it'll be day 24 tomorrow.
I'm going to have to turn Clove for probably another 2-4 days since it looks like she needs to develop a bit more or I might keep turning her until I see her trying to internally pip..
I've candled Clove, shes still moving around and everything, her air cell hasn't drawn down yet so shes not yet ready to hatch. Fingers crossed she doesn't hatch too long after the other two! :fl
Ahh!! Lilac has started to internally pip!!
I might turn Lovebug for another day and then stop, depending on what side he is facing (the air cell)
I candled Clove and her air cell is still the same, just waiting for the drawdown (pretty sure that's what it's called) before I get ready to stop turning.
Ahh!! Lilac has started to internally pip!!
I might turn Lovebug for another day and then stop, depending on what side he is facing (the air cell)
I candled Clove and her air cell is still the same, just waiting for the drawdown (pretty sure that's what it's called) before I get ready to stop turning.
awesome news! I sure hope all these babies make it through hatch safely. Keep me updated!!

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