Good job Bessie!

red horse ranch

10 Years
Jan 24, 2014
Buffalo Wyoming

My 2 year old peahen has been sitting on 6 eggs. Last week one of her eggs produced a chicken chick which I took. This morning she came off the nest with 3 peachicks. She kept calling for me and when i went out to see what her problem was I found an egg in her nest that was partially unzipped and still peeping. She didn't want to leave it but she knew her other babies needed food and water. I took the peeping egg in the house and helped the peachick to hatch. The membrane was stuck to it. But it is now in the nursery with some keets and the chicken chick. And it seems healthy.
So for a first time mom I think she did great. :D :yesss:
Are you going to slip the chick back under her tonight? I not you might b able to set it loose during the day and see if she will take it. I would opt for putting it under her in the dark.

I think I will just keep the peachick in the house. The keets will be sold soon and the chicken chick will need some company. All of them will be sold since I don't have room to keep more peafowl. But they are so sweet it is tempting....

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