Golden 300 or Khaki Campbell? Need some advice


8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
We have decided to add some ducks to our little farm. I have been reading over at Metzer's website and am torn between the golden 300 and khaki campbells. Which do you prefer? We will be raising them for eggs but do hope to let them hatch some of their own at some point. I like that they describe the 300's as calmer than the khaki campbells. I just don't know if we should go with the hybrid or stay with a particular breed. Any advice is appreciated
We have Campbells.

They are great layers.

They do think all humans are ax murderers.

They have successfully gone broody and hatched out ducklings on several occasions. Once one of the girls came out with 17 ducklings.

I have read good things about the golden 300.
From what I have read, they are both good layers and sounds like what everyone is saying is I am sure what you read also on the Metzers basically it's up to you now.... lol...I want some ducks so bad and each time I start reading I get turned on to another one. I would go with the 300's for the most eggs, now I don't know how long they will keep this up though. Even at that if they do actually produce about 290 eggs per year that's plenty to incubate and start new flocks... GO FOR IT..HAVE FUN..let us know what U decide.
We did it
We pushed the button and ordered 10 khaki campbells to start with. We read the replies decided we would get all khaki campbells so if we breed some we will know what full breed they are. Depending on how we do, we might add some variety next year
Thank you all for the great input!
i love khaki-campbells, mine used to lay everyday!!! she would lay in the chicken coop in the nesting boxes and laid the perfect large white/greenish egg you have ever seen! go with the khaki's!!! mine also went broody once because i just let the eggs pile up in her nest, so she went setting on them and like 2 days before they were expected to hatch she gave up on them.
I have 7 golden 300 hens. They are awesome layers of really good sized eggs, about on the jumbo scale for chickens. Since they started laying in october they havent missed a day. Im at the point where i wont even eat chicken eggs. These duck eggs are so good. My birds are really great looking too. They look much like a mallard, with the drakes having black (with green/purple sheen) head, blue/purple arm band, and grey bodies. And it's hard to believe that the offspring wouldn't be good layers. Metzer says their black drake/brown hen duckling color scheme wont breed true, but i think i think if anything the offspring would breed just as well as a normal khaki campbell. I've actually got 15 eggs in the bator now. So i'll let you guys know when THEY start laying.... if i get any girls.. i've got such bad hatching luck... straight run i wish.. haha

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